Towards a Competitive ASEAN Single Market : Sectoral Analysis
![Towards a Competitive ASEAN Single Market : Sectoral Analysis](
1 March 2011Category:
ASEAN, Finance and Macroeconomy, Investment, Labour and Migration, TradeType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Macroeconomy, Labour and Migration, TradePrint Article:
The ERIA research working group on economic integration toward an ASEAN Economic Community has conducted various studies on actual policies, and the current degree of liberalization of each issue area, in each country during the past three years. This project report for the fiscal year 2010 is the latest in the series of our research projects. The working group, which consists of experts in various field and researchers of research institutes in ASEAN 10 countries, has focused on analyses of trade in goods and services and foreign direct investment (FDI) climates, as well as skilled labor mobility among ASEAN members. In addition, by using and updating the accumulation of our studies during the past three years, it is possible to examine variations in the degree of liberalization over time. Each study aims to construct quantitative measures which are designed 1) to visualize the process of policy reforms, following the AEC blueprint; 2) to provide a framework against which milestones and end goals of each element can be defined; and 3) to evaluate the current position and progress vis-a-vis the milestones and end goals.
Members of Working Group
DR.SHUJIRO URATA (PROJECT LEADER): Professor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Japan; Senior Research Advisor to the Executive Director, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA),Indonesia.
DR.MISA OKABE: Associate Researcher, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia.
DR. PHILIPPA DEE: Consultant, Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian National University, Australia.
DR. CHIA SIOW YUE: Senior Research Fellow, Singapore Institute of International Affairs, Singapore.
DR.TSUNEHIRO OTSUKI: Associate Professor, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, Japan.
MR.SHAZALI SULAIMAN: Partner, KPMG, Brunei Darussalam.
DR.CHAP SOTHARITH: Research Director, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP), Cambodia.
DR.RAYMOND ATJE: Head, Department of Economics, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia.
DR. LEEBER LEEBOUAPAO: Deputy Director General, National Economic Research Institute (NERI), Lao PDR.
DR.ZAKARIAH ABDUL RASHID: Executive Director, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), Malaysia.
DR. KAN ZAW: Rector, Yangon Institute of Economics (YIE), Myanmar.
DR. JOSEF T. YAP: President, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), the Philippines.
DR.HANK LIM: Senior Research Fellow, Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), Singapore.
DR.WISARN PUPPHAVESA: Senior Research Fellow, Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), Singapore.
DR. VO TRI THANH: Deputy Director General, Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM), Vietnam.
Full Report
Chapter 1. Toward a Competitive ASEAN Single Market: Sectoral Analysis
Chapter 2. Services Liberalization towards an ASEAN Economic Community
Chapter 3. Study of the Investment Climate of ASEAN Member Countries
Chapter 4. Free Flow of Skilled Labor in the ASEAN Economic Community
Chapter 5. Quantifying the Benefits of Trade Facilitation in ASEAN
Chapter 6. Background Data for Constructing Quantitative Measures
Chapter 6. Tables: Medical Professionals
Chapter 6. Tables: Health Services
Chapter 6. Tables: Banking Services