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Regulation and Governance


Regulation and Governance

Sustainable Development Policies | Industrial Corridor | Global Production Network | Deregulations Of Specific Cases | Regulatory Restrictions In Some Services

As an international organisation that works with various governmental bodies and organisations, ERIA engages in research to help governments improve on their regulation and governance. The studies range from sustainable development policies, industrial corridor, global production network, deregulations of specific cases, regulatory restrictions in some services, and effects of specific policies. ERIA also leads research in financial integration, fiscal policy, monetary policy, regulatory coherence, development strategies, regional cooperation, and growth policy.


26 September 2024
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has recognised the critical need to address digital disparities amongst [...]
23 September 2024
The gains from liberalisation within the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) have been substantial. The integration and liberalisation measures [...]
20 September 2024
Mandated by the 11th ASEAN–Japan Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Meeting, ERIA conducted a research project [...]
17 September 2024
This policy brief discusses the implementation and impact of the Online Single Submission (OSS) system in Indonesia, developed [...]
11 July 2024
This study explores the role of corporate governance in carbon-intensive and non-carbon-intensive companies within Malaysian smart cities. The [...]
5 July 2024
The global shift towards a data-driven society has highlighted the need for addressing emerging security risks and spurred [...]
18 June 2024
Thailand is a developing country with a growing economy, which has led to increased energy consumption and carbon [...]
7 May 2024
Tourism was one of the sectors most damaged by COVID-19. The number of inbound tourists plummeted, and domestic [...]
19 March 2024
  The implications of digital government are extensive and can profoundly shape the trajectory and character of digital [...]
7 March 2024
The rapid ascent of industrialisation and economic success in ASEAN has often been built upon a take-make-waste system, [...]
7 March 2024
The issue of methane emissions has garnered increased attention in recent years, with a focus on the natural [...]
16 February 2024
In this paper, we develop and examine an indicator for regulatory harmonisation amongst member countries in a given [...]
16 February 2024
World economic governance was largely dominated by major developed countries in the 20th century. Over the last half-century, [...]
16 February 2024
International indicators suggest that Malaysia has attained a level of parity with high-income OECD nations, primarily attributable to [...]
5 February 2024
The ultimate objective of urban policies is to enhance citizens' attachment to their city and overall well-being. While [...]
9 October 2023
The second ASEAN Seamless Trade Facilitation Indicators (ASTFI) and the Trade Transactions Cost (TTC) study, known as ASTFI-TTC [...]
11 August 2023
The ASEAN–Japan relationship began in 1973 and gained significant momentum  in the late 1980s with a [...]
2 August 2023
During Indonesia’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2023, it has highlighted the blue economy as a key sector [...]
3 July 2023
Malaysia leverages the economic activities in and around its oceans, seas, and coastal areas, as its maritime space [...]
12 June 2023
Viet Nam is exploring various models to promote long-term economic growth and sustainable development, including the blue economy. [...]
26 April 2023
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has accelerated the importance of digital technologies in the economy, particularly in e-commerce [...]
27 March 2023
Viet Nam’s 1986 programme of market-oriented economic reforms did not include the freedom of farmers to choose [...]
14 December 2022
The idea of the Indo-Pacific was borne from a global trend that has (re)oriented the centre of [...]
6 December 2022
This policy brief highlights the importance of maintaining open regionalism and economic and regional integration for sustainable and [...]
24 October 2022
This paper aims to clarify the role of Japan in the process leading up to the establishment of [...]
24 October 2022
This paper aims to understand how the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), an international [...]
21 October 2022
This paper attempts to discuss the potential role of RCEP from the perspective of two kinds of international [...]
21 October 2022
This paper examines the potential impact of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) on the Cambodian economy in [...]
21 October 2022
In this chapter, we start with an overview of trade flows in modern services within the Regional Comprehensive [...]
29 September 2022
This paper examines the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) role in the formation of the Regional [...]
14 September 2022
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a microcosm of the current tensions in negotiations on digital trade [...]
14 September 2022
This study discusses the extent to which the tariffs provided in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) are [...]
29 August 2022
 In the first 2 decades of the millennium, European Union (EU) trade policy underwent historic changes, amongst them [...]
5 August 2022
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement was seen as important for Australia economically and politically from its [...]
5 August 2022
This paper studies China’s policies and participation in East Asian economic integration and cooperation. The progress [...]
5 August 2022
This paper analyses the implications of the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) for [...]
16 February 2022
To further encourage the diffusion of Renewable Energy (RE) in ASEAN countries, a certain level of policy support [...]
15 December 2021
This comprehensive Handbook provides an in-depth analysis of the nature of East Asian economic integration alongside thoughtful insights [...]
12 November 2021
Mandated by the Ninth ASEAN–Japan Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Meeting, ERIA conducted a research project [...]
11 November 2021
The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is a unique cooperation initiative, bringing in scope for transnational cooperation between Partner countries, [...]
8 September 2021
This paper measures regulatory distance in non-tariff measures (NTMs) to examine the regulatory distance patterns and how the [...]
16 August 2021
This study examines the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on economic integration in the ASEAN-6 region. The study [...]
12 August 2021
The European Union (EU) and China have recently reached an agreement: the EU–China Comprehensive Agreement on [...]
4 August 2021
We study the effects of technical barriers to trade (TBTs) imposed by destination markets on prices, marginal costs, [...]
9 July 2021
The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), together with the ASEAN Trade Facilitation Joint Consultative [...]
7 July 2021
This study examines the debates on supply chain resilience and the economic and emissions impact of supply chain [...]
5 July 2021
This policy brief highlights the impact of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement on ASEAN and ASEAN [...]
1 July 2021
The Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2020-2021 provides an overview of both new and ongoing projects that [...]
21 June 2021
This study examines the impact of non-tariff measures (NTMs) on global value chain (GVC) participation and the underlying [...]
10 June 2021
The preparation of the Lao PDR’s energy statistics regulation is consistent with the objective of the [...]
22 January 2021
Mongolia has been achieving stable economic growth over the last 10 years. This has resulted in a significant increase [...]
12 October 2020
Myanmar has been a country richly endowed with natural gas resources, but its gas production is expected to [...]
4 September 2020
No industry is immune from accidents. In relation to nuclear power, safe use focuses on unintended conditions or [...]
3 September 2020
International Regulatory Cooperation (IRC) refers to a diverse range of ways government regulators from different countries work together [...]
7 August 2020
The tax incentives designed to stimulate firm investment may have a large impact on labour market outcomes. Using [...]
29 July 2020
The ASEAN and East Asian Region is more vulnerable to natural disasters than any other part of the [...]
17 July 2020
This brief proposes a policy framework for digital connectivity to support the development of e-commerce. Using this analytical [...]
15 July 2020
Promoting international regulatory cooperation (IRC) is gaining traction as a way to improve business competitiveness. Within the Association [...]
27 April 2020
It is well-documented that agglomeration contributes to productivity growth. However, concentrations of workers could also lead to increasing [...]

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