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Industry and Manufacturing


Industry and Manufacturing

Industrial Development And Transformation | Public-private Partnership | Production And Logistic Networks | Technology Transfer And Spillover | Sustainability

ERIA examines various parts of industry and manufacturing starting from small and medium enterprises to multinational corporations and from intra-industry to international inter-industry connection. By using case studies from various industries in many countries, the researchers analyse industrial development and transformation, public-private partnership, production and logistic networks, technology transfer and spillover, industry sustainability, and industry integrations.


26 September 2024
In this study, we examine the implications of economic policy uncertainty on global value chain (GVC) participation and [...]
26 September 2024
This paper examines the impact of the 2011 Japanese earthquake on the sales and purchases of firms that have [...]
23 September 2024
This report examines the activities of International Oil Companies (IOCs) in Indonesia. Chapter 1 provides an overview of [...]
2 July 2024
In this paper, we provide a nuanced and detailed analysis of the effects on the labour market of [...]

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