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Finance and Macroeconomy


Finance and Macroeconomy

Fiscal And Monetary Policies | International Economic Integrations | Free Trade Agreements | Trade Barriers And Facilitation | International Investment Protection

ERIA looks into issues related to macroeconomic policies including fiscal policies, monetary policies, international economic integrations, free trade agreements, trade barriers, trade facilitation, and international investment protection. Additionally, ERIA also investigate impacts of globalisation, economic shocks, financial crises, and foreign output shocks, among many others. Furthermore, ERIA also conducts various research on social security system, country risk, regional cooperation, market integrations, exports and imports, and many more.


26 September 2024
In this study, we examine the implications of economic policy uncertainty on global value chain (GVC) participation and [...]
26 September 2024
We provide novel evidence that corporate debt maturity plays an important role in the transmission of United States ([...]
18 September 2024
The Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2024 offers an overview of both new and ongoing projects that ERIA researchers [...]
7 May 2024
Exports have been a critical source for the resilience of the Malaysian economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and [...]
7 March 2024
The rapid ascent of industrialisation and economic success in ASEAN has often been built upon a take-make-waste system, [...]
15 January 2024
Indonesia's ongoing financial sector reforms align with regional commitments, particularly the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS), designed [...]
22 December 2023
This paper employs a two-economy model, which incorporates New Keynesian features, to examine the impact of a coronavirus [...]
Writer(s)/Editor(s) : ATF Study Group,
19 December 2023
Amidst climate change challenges, sustainable finance transactions declined in 2022 after a previous surge. Asia's fledgling sustainable finance sector [...]
31 March 2023
The evolving economic architecture in the Indo-Pacific rests squarely on the post-war construct of the Asia-Pacific, which is [...]
21 October 2022
This study estimates the potential economic effects of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) by using a recursively [...]

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