The Comprehensive Asia Development Plan

1 October 2010Category:
Industry and Manufacturing, Infrastructure, Trade, Urban DevelopmentType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Print Article:
List of Project Members
Professor Fukunari Kimura: Chief Economist, ERIA.
Dr. Ponciano S. Intal, Jr. : Senior Researcher, ERIA.
Mr. So Umezaki: Researcher, ERIA.
Dr. Misa Okabe: Associate Researcher, ERIA.
Full Report
Chapter 1. Conceptual Framework
Chapter 2. Assessment of the Current East Asian Economies
Chapter 3.Three Tiers of Development Strategies
Chapter 4. Economic Assessment of the CADP-The Geographical Simulation Model
Chapter 5. Financial Project Design and Public-Private Partnership
Chapter 6. Prospective projects for Logistics and Economic Infrastructure
Appendix 1. A Long List of Prospective Projects For Logistics and Economic Infrastructure