Study on the Potential for Promoting Carbon Dioxide Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) in ASEAN Countries Vol. II

30 March 2022Category:
ASEAN, Energy, Environment and Climate ChangeType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
ASEAN, Carbon Dioxide, Energy, Environment, Environment and Climate ChangePrint Article:
This report was prepared under the Asia CCUS Network umbrella and focuses on the cost of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and the legal framework of CCUS. To analyse the cost of CCS, we use a model case in central Java, Indonesia with the following assumptions: a) capture of CO2 emitted from a 500MW coal power plant (ultra- supercritical) applying chemical absorption using amine, b) transport of CO2 to the storage site through a 50km long pipeline, and c) storage of CO2 in sandstone formation of about 1000m. Costs of capture, transport, and storage – both capital and operation costs – are surveyed referring to existing publicly available literature. The cost of this model case is estimated at US$60–US$70 per CO2 ton and 70% of the cost results from the capture of CO2. The legal framework emphasises that deployment of CCUS will be implemented under appropriate regulations. Hence, surveys of the existing CCS regulations of European countries, Australia, and the United States are undertaken to come up with appropriate CCUS regulations for the Asia region. Finally, as an important regional policy framework, this report suggests an Asia Collective CCUS Initiative to start design of a business model of the CCUS value chain in the Asia region.
Full Report
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Chapter 1 - Technical Workshops
Chapter 2 - A Model Case Study: CCUS Cost Estimation
Chapter 3 - Regulatory and Policy Study
Chapter 4 - Regional Cooperation Concept
Chapter 5 - Workshop on the Model Case Study
Chapter 6 - Conclusions and Recommendations