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Good Regulatory Practice in Indonesia

Good Regulatory Practice in Indonesia
17 September 2024
Ridha Aditya Nugraha, Eri Yoga Sidharta, Luki Safriana, Dian Ayu Aryani, Vicia Sacharissa
Indonesia, Good Regulatoary Pracice, Online Single Submission

Print Article:

This policy brief discusses the implementation and impact of the Online Single Submission (OSS) system in Indonesia, developed under the auspices of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board or Ministry of Investment (BKPM), which has streamlined the business licensing process and improved regulatory quality. The OSS system serves as a centralised platform for businesses to register and acquire licenses, particularly benefiting micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The digital economy in Indonesia, especially the e-commerce sector, is experiencing significant growth, with projections indicating substantial increases in gross merchandise value (GMV). The OSS system has positively impacted Indonesia's regulatory quality and improved the perception of the government's competence in supporting the private sector's growth. This policy brief recommends enhancing the implementation of the OSS system, promoting public participation, facilitating interagency coordination, and conducting regular monitoring and evaluation to assess the impact of Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) as implemented within OSS system on e-commerce sector.

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