Establishment of Energy Statistics Regulation in Lao PDR
10 June 2021Category:
Lao PDR, Energy, Regulation and GovernanceType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Lao PDR, Energy Statistics, Regulation and Governance, EnergyPrint Article:
The preparation of the Lao PDR’s energy statistics regulation is consistent with the objective of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), to enhance energy data and statistics to support policy planning and actions for the energy related sectors. In recent years, the Ministry has emphasised the importance of having accurate energy statistics in place to guide the development of energy policy in Lao PDR. Accurate energy statistics are fundamental to establishing appropriate energy policies that can promote energy efficiency and conservation (EEC), deployment of renewable energy, affordable energy supply, maintenance of energy supply security, and investment in clean technologies and clean fuels.
Full Report
Establishment of Energy Statistics Regulation in Lao PDR
Chapter 2: Structure of Energy Statistics Regulations
Chapter 3: Questionnaire and Manual for Oil Data
Chapter 4: Data Collection on Coal Supply, Transformation, and Consumption
Chapter 5: Data Collection on Electricity Supply and Consumption
Chapter 6: Biomass Supply and Demand Data
Chapter 7: Biomass Consumption Survey in the Household Sector