Energy Outlook and Energy Saving Potential in East Asia
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Responding to the Cebu Declaration of the leaders of the East Asia Summit (EAS) countries, ERIA conducted a study on energy savings and CO2 emission reduction potential in the EAS region. The study was first undertaken in 2007 and since then, the study team has met several times a year to update and incorporate more recent information in the study such as energy saving targets and action plans reported at the EAS Energy Ministers Meetings (EMM).
The study examined two energy outlook scenarios up to 2035, namely, Business-As-Usual (BAU) which reflects each country's existing energy policy and Alternative Policy Scenario (APS) which includes additional energy saving goals and action plans currently under consideration in each country. The focus of the study is on analysing the additional energy saving that could be achieved through the implementation of goals and action plans in each country that are beyond the BAU scenario. This outlook also incorporates more recent information on the EAS17 member countries.
Energy Outlook and Energy Saving Potential in East Asia
Energy Outlook and Energy Saving Potential in East Asia 2023 - Publications : ERIA