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Disaster Risks, Social Preferences, and Policy Effects: Field Experiments in Selected ASEAN and East Asian Countries

Disaster Risks, Social Preferences, and Policy Effects: Field Experiments in Selected ASEAN and East Asian Countries
18 March 2015
Yasuyuki Sawada, Yusuke Kuroishi, Krislert Samphantharak, Sommarat Chantarat, Kimlong Chheng, Kim Minea, Sothea Oum, Vathana Sann, Hiroyuki Nakata, Albert Park, Heng Wang, Sangui Wang, Chishio Furukawa, Mari Tanaka
Yasuyuki Sawada, Sothea Oum
disasters, Social Protection, Regulation and Governance

Print Article:


In preparation for or the aftermath of a disaster, a variety of market and non-market mechanisms are indispensable for people to maintain their livelihood. Market insurance mechanisms include mechanisms through direct insurance markets as well as indirect mechanisms based on credit, labor, and other market transactions. Since market insurance mechanisms are still weak, especially against damage caused by disasters, governments and communities can play important roles in strengthening overall insurance mechanisms. The state can provide public insurance schemes and social protection programmes. Community-based informal insurance mechanisms can also make up for a lack of formal insurance schemes.

To strengthen market, state, and community insurance mechanisms, it is critical to have a strong grasp of the roles of individual and social preferences. This report aims to produce the academic foundations of the nexus between a disaster and individual/social preferences, and to fill in the remaining large gap in the literature on behavioural impacts of disasters by investigating two issues: first, whether and how a disaster affects preferences; and second, how preferences determine the vulnerability and resilience against damage caused by a disaster. Findings from this study provides important policy implications for better insurance mechanisms at community, national, and regional level, generating inputs for high-level forums of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and East Asia.

Full Report



Front Cover

Table of Contents

List of Figures

List of Tables


List of Project Members

List of Abbreviations

Executive Summary

Chapter 1. Disaster Risk, Social Preferences, and Policy Effects: Field Experiments in Selected ASEAN and East Asian Countries

Chapter 2. How does a Natural Disaster Affect People's Preference? The Case of a Large Scale Flood in the Philippines Using the Convex Time Budget Experiments

Chapter 3. The Consequences of Natural Disasters on Preferences, Risk Assessments, and Behaviours: Evidence from Thai Farmers After the 2011 Mega Flood

Chapter 4. The Effects of Natural Disasters on Household's Preferences and Behaviour: Evidence from Cambodian Rice Farmers After the 2011 Mega Flood

Chapter 5. Time Preference, Risk and Credit Constraints: Evidence from Viet Nam

Chapter 6. How To Strengthen Social Capital in Disaster Affected Communities? The Case of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Chapter 7. Natural Disasters and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of the Great Sichuan Earthquake in China

Chapter 8. Do Short-term Indoor Park Programmes Improve Preschool Children's Psychological Health in Fukushima?

Chapter 9. Risk Preference of Managers and Firm Investments in Lao PDR

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