Asia-Europe Connectivity Vision 2025: Challenges and Opportunities

15 July 2016Category:
Competitiveness, Connectivity, Global Governance and Multilateralism, Industry and Manufacturing, TradeType:
Print Article:
The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) enters into its third decade with commitments for a renewed and deepened engagement between Asia and Europe. After 20 years, and with tremendous global and regional changes behind it, there is a consensus that ASEM must bring out a new road map of Asia-Europe connectivity and cooperation.
It is commonly understood that improved connectivity and increased cooperation between Europe and Asia require plans that are both sustainable and that can be upscaled. Asia-Europe Connectivity Vision 2025: Challenges and Opportunities, a joint work of ERIA and the Government of Mongolia for the 11th ASEM Summit 2016 in Ulaanbaatar, provides the ideas for an ASEM connectivity road map for the next decade which can give ASEM a unity of purpose comparable to, if not more advanced than, the integration and cooperation efforts in other regional groups. ASEM has the platform to create a connectivity blueprint for Asia and Europe. This ASEM Connectivity Vision Document provides the template for this blueprint.
Full Report
Asia-Europe Connectivity Vision 2025
Chapter 1.1. Conceptualising Asia-Europe Connectivity
Chapter 1.2. The Global Scenario
Chapter 2.1. Why Do Asia and Europe Need More Connectivity?
Chapter 2.2. Physical Connectivity between Asia and Europe: A Mongolian Perspective
Chapter 2.3. Asia-Europe Connectivity: Current Status, Constraints, and Way Forward
Chapter 2.4.Developing Sustainable Connectivity in Energy
Chapter 3.2. Asia and Europe Regulatory Connectivity and Coherence
Chapter 3.3. Trade Facilitation: Making Trade More Efficient
Chapter 3.4. Deepening Asia-Europe Connectivity through ICT
Chapter 3.5. Deepening and Expanding Global Value Chain Participation across Asia and Europe
Chapter 3.6. Using SMEs for Improving Asia-Europe Connectivity
Chapter 4.1. Peoples-to-Peoples Connectivity in the Asia-Europe Meeting
Chapter 4.2. Europe-Asia Connectivity: A Case for Labour Mobility
Chapter 4.3. Europe-Asia Cooperation: Capacity Building Programmes
Chapter 5.1. A Call for Collective Action in ASEM 2016, and Beyond