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ASEAN Vision 2040 Volume II: Collective Leadership, ASEAN Centrality, and Strengthening the ASEAN Institutional Ecosystem

ASEAN Vision 2040 Volume II: Collective Leadership, ASEAN Centrality, and Strengthening the ASEAN Institutional Ecosystem
31 May 2019
Simon Tay, Shiro Armstrong, Peter Drysdale, Ponciano S. Intal, Jr.
ASEAN, ASEAN Vision 2040

Print Article:

The papers in Volume II discuss the imperative of collective leadership and ASEAN centrality in light of the greater uncertainty in the global trading system and on regional security which have been underpinning ASEAN’s outward oriented strategy and development. It is suggested that ASEAN’s major Dialogue Partners in East Asia and the United States as well as ASEAN itself can be important contributors to strengthening collective leadership in East Asia and to enhancing ASEAN Centrality. The last paper in the volume presents ideas on how to strengthen ASEAN’s institutional ecosystem, which is important for ASEAN to be able to assert ASEAN centrality in an increasingly uncertain and changing regional environment.


Full Report 

ASEAN Vision 2040 - Volume II - Collective Leadership


Title Page


List of Contributors 

Table of Contents

Part I 

ASEAN Present and Future Global and Regional Development 

Part II 

1. Collective Leadership for East Asian and ASEAN’s Trans-Asian Role

2. East Asian Cooperation: Retrospect and Prospect

3. Towards and Integrated and Connected Indo-East Asia

4. Strengthened ASEAN Centrality and East Asia Collective Leadership

i. ASEAN Centrality and Collective Leadership: New Dynamics and Responses

ii. Role of Australia and New Zealand

iii. China’s Role

iv. ASEAN-India Relations: Foundation for the Future Architecture of Asia

v. Role of Japan - ASEAN Cooperation

vi. Role of the Republic of Korea

v. The Role of the US in ASEAN in 2040

Part III

Whither ASEAN Institutions Ecosystem?



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