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Addressing Energy Efficiency in the Transport Sector through Traffic Improvement

Addressing Energy Efficiency in the Transport Sector through Traffic Improvement
27 September 2017
Ichiro Kutani
Infrastructure, Energy

Print Article:


The study first summarized the existing policies in Viet Nam on energy efficiency improvement of the transport sector. The result showed that Viet Nam has implemented principally the same type of policies as that of Japan and Thailand. However, the mechanism for implementation is key, so that stakeholders take their own initiatives autonomously, rather than simply be imposed with government policies. The quantitative case study for Da Nang City evaluated effects of implementation of long-term traffic plans. The study identified that planned bypass highway will differentiate oil consumption by 30% in 2030. While in the city centre, when assuming increasing modal shift from motorbike to automobile, 10 years' delay of development of public transport system will increase oil consumption by 5% in 2030. It appears that the existing blueprint of future traffic system is effective to reduce oil consumption, hence should be implemented immediately. The study revealed many remaining challenges in Viet Nam's transport sector. When addressing these challenges. It is thus recommended to make active use of information and communication technology (ICT) and encourage the development of technologies and creation of new services, for innovative approach to improve energy efficiency in the transport sector. A list of detailed policy actions was developed to address these challenges, based on intensive consultation with Viet Nam and international experts.

Full Report




Preface and Acknowledgements


List of Project Members

List of Figures and Tables

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Executive Summary

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Energy Efficiency Policy in Viet Nam

Chapter 3. Case Study of Da Nang City

Chapter 4. Policy Recommendation

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