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13th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit

13th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit
11 November 2021
Connectivity, Global Governance, Energy, Digital Economy, Labour and Migration, Asia, Europe, free trade agreement, Trade Facilitation

Print Article:

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is a unique cooperation initiative, bringing in scope for transnational cooperation between Partner countries, through regional and sub-regional activities. ASEM is wide enough to accommodate global and inter-continental development priorities. And yet, it localises connectivity amongst Partner countries for economic growth, trade and investment, digital economy, inclusive growth, and sustainable development.

As the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic holds sway in both Europe and Asia, the hosting of the 13th ASEM Summit (ASEM13) in Cambodia assumes much greater significance as it envisages an inclusive and prosperous growth pathway for the Asia-Europe region, through multilateral cooperation and sustainable development.

The study brings together scholars and practitioners from Asia and Europe who have put forth their academic and practical wisdom in their respective chapters, covering the multidimensional nature of Asia-Europe cooperation and connectivity. Partnership for economic growth, trade and investment, digital economy, quality infrastructure, skills development, education, women and youth, labour mobility, sustainable development, multilateralism, and global governance are some of the important themes covered in this study. The study captures the rich experiences amongst Partner countries that are productive and replicable. It summarises the unique role and vision of Cambodia as the host of the ASEM13, and the need to carry these into the 14th ASEM Summit in Europe. This book fulfils this purpose and establishes a pathway for making ASEM an active, efficient, and influential multilateral platform for cooperation and connectivity between Asia and Europe.

Full Report

13th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit

Cambodian Language

Full Report in Cambodia Language


Title page

Message from Cambodia

Message from ERIA

Table of Contents


I.Political and Physical Connectivity

Asia and Europe in a Changing World: 3Ensuring a Resilient, Sustainable, and Rules-Based Future

Connectivity Plans for Asia and Europe: 20Public Goods and Collective Growth

II.Economic and Financial Cooperation

Asia-Europe Cooperation on Trade Facilitation

The European Union-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement: Process, Impacts, and Major Lessons

The Asia-Europe Meeting's Role in Promoting E-commerce

An ASEM Model of Cooperation in Digital Economy Taxation: Digitalisation and New Technologies

III.Institutional and People Linkages

Asia-Europe Cooperation for Building Inclusive Digital Societies

Asia-Europe Cooperation on Labour Mobility, Education, and Training: What are the implications of digital transformations for ASEM?

Asia-Europe Cooperation on Empowering Women and Youth: Digital and Education Connectivity

IV.Sustainable Development

ASEM Cooperation on Clean Energy

Enhancing Parliamentary Diplomacy for Sustainable Development

The Asia-Europe Meeting and Social Sustainability 198 in the Age of Competitive Connectivity

Multilateral Cooperation for Sustainable Development: 207 Water Management in the Mekong and Danube Regions

V. Conclusion

Moving Forward: Multilateral Cooperation for a Resilient,Sustainable, and Rules-Based Future for Asia and Europe

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