Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2020-2021

1 July 2021Category:
Agricultural Development, ASEAN, Competitiveness, Connectivity, COVID-19, Disasters, Education, Training, and Human Capital, Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Finance and Macroeconomy, Global Governance and Multilateralism, Healthcare and Ageing Society, India, Industry and Manufacturing, Infrastructure, Innovation and Technology, Investment, Labour and Migration, Poverty and Sustainable Development Goals, Regulation and Governance, Services, SMEs, Social Protection, State-Owned Enterprises, Trade, Urban DevelopmentTags:
ERIA Research SummaryPrint Article:
The Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2020-2021 provides an overview of both new and ongoing projects that ERIA researchers are currently working on as of April 2021.
- Deepening Economic Integration
- E-commerce
- Economic Integration
- Globalisation
- Narrowing Development Gaps
- Agriculture
- Competitiveness
- Connectivity
- Health and Ageing
- Sustainable Economic Development
- Environment and Global Warming
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Energy-related Research
- Effective Use of Energy
- International Cooperation
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Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2020-2021 by Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia on Scribd