Study on Demand and Supply Potential of Hydrogen Energy in ASEAN and East Asia – Phase 4

16 July 2024Category:
Research Project ReportsTags:
energy, hydrogen, carbon neutralityPrint Article:
Hydrogen is a crucial fuel for achieving global carbon neutrality, and ERIA has been conducting hydrogen studies over the past 3 years, focusing on hydrogen demand and supply potential in the East Asia region. Building on previous studies, this report addresses the following five major topics:
1. Economic and Social Impact: This study assesses the economic and social impacts of establishing a hydrogen supply network in the East Asia region. It highlights the potential for significant investment in hydrogen infrastructure and substantial CO2 emissions reductions.
2. Hydrogen Production Efficiencies: The report analyses the efficiencies of various hydrogen production technologies, including: reforming technology for natural gas; gasification technology for brown coal; and electrolysis technologies using renewable electricity, specifically: Alkaline Electrolysis Cells (ALK), Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Cells (PEM), and Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC). The analysis suggests that SOEC is expected to achieve higher production efficiency in the future.
3. Cost Analysis of Liquid Hydrogen Transportation: The study measures the unit cost of liquid hydrogen transportation (in US cents per km per unit of hydrogen) based on factors such as volume, distance, and the size of liquid hydrogen ships. The findings indicate that liquid hydrogen will have a cost advantage for long-distance and high-volume transport.
4. Optimal Hydrogen Supply Network: Using the Linear Programming method, the report identifies the optimal hydrogen supply network between hydrogen-exporting and hydrogen-importing countries in East Asia. This optimisation aims to minimise costs.
5. Computer Simulation of Hydrogen Transportation: The study conducts a computer simulation of hydrogen transportation routes between exporting and importing countries in East Asia, referring to the results obtained from the Linear Programming analysis.
Key results from the study include:
- A high economic impact is anticipated due to the large investments in the hydrogen supply network and significant CO2 emissions reductions.
- SOEC is projected to have higher production efficiency in the future.
- Liquid hydrogen is more cost-effective for long-distance and large-volume transportation.
- The cost of hydrogen transport in East Asia is estimated to be around 0.4 US cents per Nm³ by 2040.
These findings underscore the potential benefits and challenges of developing a hydrogen economy in the East Asia region and provide a roadmap for future hydrogen infrastructure development.