Report of Project 2045 For 'Joint Partnership' towards Our Common Future: A Joint Project of Two Maritime Democracies

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The Report of ‘Project 2045: The Path to Peaceful and Prosperous Indonesian in 2045’ sets out the future cooperation between Japan and Indonesia on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of their bilateral diplomatic relationship. With funding from the Government of Japan, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Indonesia) and the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East (ERIA) have been implementing this project over a period of one year. Experts from Indonesia and Japan have analysed the development path of their respective countries and have identified options that can contribute to further building a peaceful and prosperous Indonesia. They have three main goals: to uphold democracy and become maritime global players; to rank amongst the world’s top five economies; and to achieve high quality of life beyond SDG 2030. The strategy developed to address the above mentioned development challenges is expected to contribute to meeting the common targets that Indonesia and Japan have set on the occasion of the commemoration of 100 years of Indonesian independence in 2045. This report briefly discusses pathways to reach the target of 10 challenges identified by the Executive Committee of Project 2045. The study points out the complementarity of the two countries and the importance of their cooperation to fully realise their growth potential.
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Adding a Gender Dimension to the Report of Project 2045