Overview of Agri-food Industries in ASEAN: Basic Information on the Food Value Chain

23 September 2019Category:
Agricultural Development, ASEANType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Agriculture, Food Value Chain, ASEANPrint Article:
The agri-food market in Southeast Asia has been activated by the area’s steady economic and population growth, and by its deepening regional and international economic integration. This study aims to foster a deeper understanding of the food value chain (FVC) in eight ASEAN Member States – Cambodia, Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. It seeks to do this by providing basic information mainly from two points of view: the vertical relationship amongst industries, and the competitiveness of each agri-food item produced by the ASEAN countries. The report reviews each of the eight countries, with each review composed of the following four parts: social and economic conditions, linkages amongst the FVC-related industries, the supply‒demand balance of agri-food products, and the competitiveness of each product in the ASEAN region.
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