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Oil Stockpiling and Emergency Response Cooperation of East Asia

Oil Stockpiling and Emergency Response Cooperation of East Asia
31 March 2016
Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Venkatachalam Anbumozhi
Energy, Infrastructure, Regulation and Governance

Print Article:


Asia's energy security is usually defined in terms of oil-supply security, given the region's growing demand for oil, its flattening oil production, and its overdependence on regions such as the Middle East. Oil-supply security can be attained through long-term and short-term policy measures. Long-term measures include diversification of oil import sources, investment in alternative energy sources and technologies, and cooperation between oil producers and consumers. Short-term measures include information sharing, standby oil production, and drawdowns of emergency oil stockpiles. This study analyses the merits and demerits of oil stockpiling, which is regarded as an insurance against damage caused by any disruptions in oil supply. It also proposes a regional cooperation mechanism for oil stockpiling among ASEAN member states, Japan, and the Republic of Korea by ticketing and bilateral oil stockpiling mechanism based on market principles.

Full Report







List of Tables

List of Figures

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Oil Stockpiling Development in Southeast Asia

Chapter 3. Challenges for ASEAN Countries' Oil Stockpiling

Chapter 4. Potential Cooperation beyond ASEAN

Chapter 5. Conclusion

Appendix. Oil Storage Infrastructure in Myanmar

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