Investing in Power Grid Interconnection in East Asia
23 September 2014Category:
ASEAN, Energy, Infrastructure, Investment, Regulation and GovernanceType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Infrastructure, Regulation and GovernancePrint Article:
Executive Summary
Key Findings
Scope: ASEAN countries, Northeast India, and Southwest China.For each possible power transmission line for interconnection, the cost and net economic benefits, which imply feasibility and priority of the proposed new transmission capacities, are estimated.
A positive net economic benefit indicates economic feasibility of the project and thus it should be prioritized. Among the listed projects, Vietnam - Lao - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore interconnection route could be the most beneficial, and Cambodia - Thailand linkage could be the second beneficial interconnection.
Policy Implications
Investment efficiency for power infrastructure could be improved with enhanced grid interconnection in the region.
Conventionally the power grid of each country is unique, independent and governed by its own policies and codes. There needs to be a comprehensive guideline encompassing all the member countries to engage in effective bilateral or multilateral discussion and coordination in order to promote and accelerate the power grid interconnection.
Favorable investment environment is required to attract private and foreign capital to invest in the interconnection projects.
Full Report
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Chapter 2. Electric Power Supply in EAS Countries
Chapter 3. Optimising Power Infrastructure Development
Chapter 4. Preliminary Assessment of Possible Interconnection