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Infrastructure for Inclusive Economic Development Vol.2: Case Studies of Accelerated Projects

Infrastructure for Inclusive Economic Development Vol.2: Case Studies of Accelerated Projects
2 November 2023
Kiki Verico, Heru Wibowo, M. Halley Yudhistira

Print Article:

This second volume of the book on infrastructure for inclusive economic development delineates twenty initiatives within the National Strategic Project (PSN), encompassing both social and economic infrastructure. Serving as a supplement to the theoretical discussions in Volume I, the actual case studies in this volume underscore the importance of the acceleration policy in overcoming obstacles and expediting implementation. The featured projects address the demand for utilities, enhanced social welfare, connectivity, and industrial development, showcasing diverse categories that constitute essential components of infrastructure development. Additionally, the volume delves into the analysis of funding and finance, offering insights into various strategies, including innovative finance covered in Volume I. Derived directly from the field, these case studies provide readers with valuable insights into the practical aspects of infrastructure initiatives.


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