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Decarbonisation of ASEAN Energy Systems: Optimum Technology Selection Model Analysis up to 2060 - Updated 2023

Decarbonisation of ASEAN Energy Systems: Optimum Technology Selection Model Analysis up to 2060 - Updated 2023
14 March 2024
ASEAN, Energy
energy, fuel, carbon neutrality, ASEAN

Print Article:

Achieving carbon neutrality involves the strategic selection of low or zero-carbon fuels and technologies. However, the prioritisation of these options should be contingent upon economic considerations, specifically targeting cost reduction. This study employs an optimisation approach utilising LP code to determine the most economically viable pathways.

Given the diverse economic development levels, land areas, and available natural resources such as fossil fuels and renewable energies amongst ASEAN countries, the selection of low or zero-carbon fuels and technologies should be tailored to the unique characteristics of each nation. Consequently, this study aims to develop a carbon-neutral roadmap that takes into account the specific attributes of each ASEAN country.

Furthermore, the research extends its scope to conduct a comparative analysis between the Announced Pledges Scenario (APS) outlined by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Carbon Neutral Roadmap for ASEAN developed by ERIA (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia) and the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ). The intention is to assess the disparities and similarities between these approaches.

In addition to evaluating the aforementioned scenarios, the study looks towards the future by considering the potential expansion of this approach to Southwest Asia, with a specific focus on India. This broader perspective aims to contribute insights into achieving carbon neutrality in diverse regional contexts.

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