Cambodia National Energy Statistics 2016

7 October 2016Category:
Cambodia, Competitiveness, Energy, Environment and Climate ChangeType:
Environment, EnergyPrint Article:
Insufficient information and inadequate capacity to carry out comprehensive energy planning are identified as the main contributing factors to the current circumstances of the energy sector in Cambodia. In this regard, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) of Cambodia requested the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to provide support to overcome such technical constraint. Responding positively, ERIA subsequently deployed technical staff and experts to support staff of MME from the General Department Energy and the General Department of Petroleum to conduct a series of data collection and analysis to put together Cambodia's National Energy Statistics.
This project and publication has greatly enhanced energy policy planning in Cambodia. To sustain the project, Cambodia will establish a systematic collection of energy data from various energy supply companies and other government agencies/corporations, so that energy data and statistics could be published in the future continuously. Having good energy statistics will allow Cambodia to contribute to and share data with ASEAN, International Energy Agency, Joint Organization Data Initiative, and other international fora and arena.
Full Report
Chapter 1. Primary Energy Data
Chapter 2. Energy Balance Table
Chapter 3. Analysis of Energy Demand Supply Situation