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Building Prolific Entrepreneurship Ecosystems-Episode 1

Building Prolific Entrepreneurship Ecosystems-Episode 1
11 January 2022
Amelia Litania, Shailaja Shukla
ASEAN, India, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

Print Article:

This report is part of a study that CIIE.CO, the Innovation Continuum, and Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) are conducting to open collaboration and peer learning between India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and share knowledge and tools relevant to entrepreneurship ecosystems in South Asia. It dives into the evolution of the incubation ecosystem in India and ASEAN and presents a comparative analysis of some of the major policies. This report is based on the joint roundtable held by CIIE.CO and ERIA on ‘Incubators as Catalysts for Innovation’, as well as previous research by both organisations on incubators in their respective countries and/or regions.

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Building Profilic Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Episode 1 by Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia on Scribd

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Episode 1: Incubators as Catalysts for Innovation, Building Prolific Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: Shared Lessons from India and ASEAN

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