Brussels Report on Strengthening Asia Europe Connectivity : Drawing Synergy from Global Development and Governance Programmes

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The European Union is hosting the 12th ASEM Summit in Brussels on 18-19 October, 2018, where the ASEM leaders will meet under the theme of “Global Partners for Global Challenges” to chart ASEM’s common response to global challenges. Leaders will also take stock of Asia - Europe cooperation and connectivity mechanisms and their contribution towards realisation of global development programmes.
Building on ASEM leaders’ resolve for sharing common goals and objectives of important global partnerships and cooperation programmes that add value to ASEM’s vision of connectivity, the “Brussels Report on Strengthening Asia Europe Connectivity: Drawing Synergy from Global Development and Governance Programmes” draws out Asia and Europe’s contribution towards the goals and objectives of important global partnerships and cooperation programmes. The Report suggests pathways for ASEM connectivity mechanisms to contribute to the global development programmes and to draw synergy for ASEM connectivity from the progress made in realizing the developmental goals. The Brussels Report brings out the importance of ASEM’s Voice in global development and governance programmes, and its important role in sustaining the spirit of consensus and multilateralism in global governance. The Brussels Report draws out the interlinkages that will help ASEM to fulfil these roles, strengthen ASEM connectivity across all its three pillars and also facilitate the tasks of ASEM Pathfinders Group on Connectivity.