Benchmarking of Biodiesel Fuel Standardization In East Asia

1 March 2009Category:
Energy, Innovation and Technology, Regulation and GovernanceType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
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Full Report
Acknowledgement ,Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables
3. Implication/Expected Result/Future Development of This Study
6. Results
6.1 WG1 Meeting
6.1.1. Participating Countries
6.1.2. November 11: Technical tour of Pakuwon Jatropha Plantation, Indonesian Center for Estate Crops ????Research and Development (ICECRD)
6.1.3. November 12 : Working Group Meeting
1. Session I-Introduction of Current Status of BDF from WWFC and Vietnam
2. Session II - Biodiesel fuel trade handbook
3. Session 3-Presentation of New Topics
4. Closing Address
6.2. WG2 Meeting
6.2.1. Participating Countries
6.2.2. February 23: Working Group meeting
1. Session I - Biodiesel Fuel Trade Handbook
2. Session II - Updates of Current Biodiesel Status and Presentations of New Topics
3. Closing Address
6.2.3. February 23 : Presentation and Tour of Yanmar R&D Facility
6.3. WG3 Meeting
6.3.1. Participating Countries
6.3.2. June 29 : Working Group Meeting
1. Session I - Report of ECTF Meeting
2. Session II - "Biodiesel Fuel trade Handbook"
3. Session III - Report of each Country's situation
4. Closing Address and technical Tour of NFV Lab
6.4. After WG3