Analysis of Future Mobility Fuel Scenarios Considering the Sustainable Use of Biofuels and Other Alternative Vehicle Fuels in EAS Countries

14 December 2021Category:
Energy, Innovation and TechnologyType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Energy, Environment, East Asia Summit, ASEAN, Innovation and TechnologyPrint Article:
Greater efforts than ever before are now being made to decarbonise the transport sectors in the ASEAN and East Asia Summit countries. With a quarter of total carbon dioxide emissions coming from transport energy use, there are roughly three options to reduce emissions – reducing transport energy demand, improving vehicle fuel efficiency, and replacing mobility fuel with low-carbon approaches such as use of biofuel and electricity. This report analyses the future scenario of mobility in selected East Asia Summit countries, which strongly contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in consideration of the necessary balance to be achieved between transport sector CO2 reduction, biofuel use, and mineral resources demand stimulated by electrification of vehicles. The policies and strategies for biofuels and mobility electrification were examined along with documenting the existing research on sustainable use of biofuels. Databases were created to evaluate the availability of mineral resources such as neodymium and cobalt as well as the carbon emission reduction potentials of biofuel in India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand.
Full Report
Chapter 2 Biofuel Policies and Biofuel Implementation in East Asia Summit Countries
Chapter 4 Vehicle Electrification and Consumption of Mineral Resources in East Asia Summit Countries