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Healthcare Unit

Healthcare Unit

Healthcare Unit

ERIA’s Healthcare Unit recommends health policy to the Governments of 16 East Asia Summit countries based on significant best practices throughout the region in response to the demographic shift by engaging in collaborative ageing studies and conferences in Asia. By 2050, the number of people in Asia who are aged 65 or older is expected to grow to 937 million – more than double today’s number. Further, as many of ERIA’s Member States continue to transform from low- and middle-income countries and on top of these, mental health disorders. Thus, the Healthcare Unit is now expanding the evidence-base for these critical specialities, including neglected diseases, through an international regional clinical trials research network which includes training and development of researchers who can achieve quality standards while respecting the diversity of all cultures.

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Asia Health and Wellbeing Initiative

Medical Excellence JAPAN

Publications under the category 'Healthcare'

Longitudinal Survey

Call for Proposals: ASEAN–Japan Medical Scholarship Programme 2026–2034 (Only for Japanese Universities)

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