Visit of Japan Finance Corporation (JFC)
15 November 2012Category:
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The delegation of Japan Finance Corporation (JFC) led by Mr. Kazuhiko Bando, Senior Managing Director, JFC, visited ERIA Annex Office to call on Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive Director of ERIA, on November 14, 2012.
Prof. Nishimura briefed recent activities of ERIA and introduced "Only-one SME Mission to Cambodia" which ERIA supported.Comprising Japan's only-one SMEs, namely SMEs with unique and world's top technologies, with an aim to help enhance their partnership with Cambodian SMEs, as well as to foster human resources required to expand their global network, during a period from January 13th to 16th, 2013.
Both parties reaffirmed further cooperation especially for this Mission.