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ERIA Supports Digital Transformation in Trade

9 June 2022

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Solo, 9 June 2022: The basic concept of Policy Notes for the Group of Twenty (G20) Trade, Investment, and Industry Working Group (TIIWG) regarding digital transformation in trade was the subject of a meeting of trade experts as a follow-up to the Road to G20 event titled Digital Transformation in Trade, a webinar held on 8 June 2022. Present at the meeting were Dr Lili Yan Ing, lead advisor on Southeast Asia of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA); Dr Bayu Krisnamurthi, advisor to the minister of trade of Indonesia; Dr Hari Widodo, head of the Center for the Study of Foreign Trade; Dr Iskandar Panjaitan, head of the Center for the Study of International Trade Cooperation; and Dr Widyastuti, head of the International Trade Analysis and Policy Studies (ITAPS).

During the meeting, ITAPS presented key points as takeaways from the previous Road to G20 event. Dr Krisnamurthi added some important points on the issue of digitalisation and the existing gap in trade activity. He cited the importance of cooperation in digitalisation and provision of digital facilities, especially in the G20 forum. Dr Ing addressed the importance of having quality digitalisation privacy and competition laws to support cross-border data flow. She said ERIA will keep supporting Indonesia’s G20 and developing key points for TIIWG and ministerial meetings.

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