ERIA Recognised in Official Statements of This Year’s ASEAN Summits, East Asia Summits, and Related Summits
7 September 2023Category:
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Jakarta, 7 September 2023: The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) has earned recognition in the statements issued during this year's key gatherings, including the ASEAN Summit, East Asia Summit (EAS), and affiliated meetings. Most notably, ERIA's contributions were acknowledged during the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits, held in Jakarta from 2 to 7 September 2023. This event convened leaders and delegates from ASEAN Member States and dialogue partners, facilitating discussions and collaboration on a wide spectrum of regional and global issues encompassing economic cooperation, security, and diplomatic relations. Serving as a platform for constructive dialogue and strategic decision-making, the summit played a pivotal role in addressing pressing challenges and nurturing regional cooperation in Southeast Asia.
Joint Media Statement of the 26th Meeting of ASEAN Tourism Ministers, 4 February 2023
Enhanced Capability Building of ASEAN Tourism Professionals
- The Meeting also noted the completion of the Comprehensive Study on the Implementation of the MRA-TP: Enhanced Mechanism for Tourism Professionals by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) in November 2022 and encouraged the ASEAN Member States to review the recommendations raised in the Study.
Enhancing Responsible, Sustainable and Inclusive Tourism Development
- The Meeting commended the work related to the Study to Develop a Framework on Sustainable Tourism Development in ASEAN in the Post COVID-19 Era, with the support by ERIA, which was endorsed by the ASEAN Tourism Ministers and included as one of the Priority Economic Deliverables (PEDs) under the ASEAN Tourism Chairmanship in 2022. The Meeting encouraged the ASEAN National Tourism Organisations to review the framework and deliberate on the recommendations, so as to identify priorities in this Framework to guide the industry towards a more sustainable tourism pathway. The Meeting noted that this wouldsupport the implementation of the Phnom Penh Declaration on a More Sustainable, Inclusive, and Resilient ASEAN Tourism.
Joint Statement of the Asia Zero Emission Community Ministerial Meeting, 4 March 2023
We, the Ministers of Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam held the Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) Ministerial Meeting in Tokyo on March 4th, 2023, where we, as the AZEC partners, shared our ideas and the views on the challenges and opportunities of decarbonization and jointly committed to accelerating a clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive energy transition towards carbon neutrality/net-zero emissions in the Asian region building on the mutual trust cultivated over the years.
In principle, AZEC will hold the annual Ministers’ Meeting and regular Senior Officials’ Meetings. We will also collaborate with international organizations and institutions such as the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) and others as required.
Ministerial Declaration of the G7 Digital and Tech Ministers’ Meeting 30 April 2023
- We, the Digital and Tech Ministers of the G7, met on 29 and 30 April 2023 under the chair of Mr. KONO Taro, Minister for Digital Transformation, Mr. MATSUMOTO Takeaki, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, Mr. NISHIMURA Yasutoshi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, to address the current and future challenges in the digital society. They were also joined by representatives from the invited countries of Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, and Ukraine, and the international organisations Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, International Telecommunication Union, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations, and World Bank Group.
Way Forward
- We express our appreciation to our knowledge partners ERIA, ITU, OECD, UN, and the World Bank for contributing their expertise and experience, and welcome continuous cooperation to realise a prosperous digitally connected world based on our shared democratic values.
Chairman’s Statement of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, 10-11 May 2023
- We appreciate to the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) continued support to ASEAN’s economic integration and Community building efforts, particularly in supporting Indonesia’s Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2023, including the ASEAN Services Facilitation Framework and Nutrition in Final 15 Times of Crises, and the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework. We also welcome ERIA’s support to flagship events under Indonesia’s Chairmanship, the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum and the ASEAN Blue Economy Forum. We look forward to further collaboration with ERIA, particularly in advancing ASEAN’s priorities, especially in the areas of digitalization, sustainability and supply chain resiliency.
Chairman’s Statement of the 24th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, 13 July 2023
- The Meeting welcomed the continuous contribution of the Plus Three countries to reduce marine debris through the ASEAN Plus Three Marine Plastic Debris Cooperative Action Initiative and support to the implementation of the ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris in the ASEAN Member States 2021-2025. The Meeting welcomed in particular activities of the Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris (RKC-MPD) of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to address the marine plastic issue, as well as collective efforts towards the achievement of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP).
Chairman’s Statement from the ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference (PMC) 10+1 Sessions with the Dialogue Partners and Trilateral Meetings, 13 – 14 July 2023
- The Meeting welcomed the announcement of the substantial conclusion of the negotiations on upgrading the Agreement establishing the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA). The Meeting reiterated the importance of ensuring that the Agreement remains a high standard, fit for its purpose, future-proof against emerging challenges, relevant for business and people and responsive to economic recovery. The Meeting looked forward to the signing of the 2nd Protocol to Amend the Agreement Establishing the AANZFTA by four countries at the sidelines of the 28th ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Meeting Closer Economic Relations (AEM-CER) on 22 August 2023, while other parties by ad-referendum this year. In this regard, the Meeting welcomed Australia’s continued support under the Regional Trade for Development Initiative (RT4D) to support ASEAN Member States to implement AANZFTA and RCEP through the AANZFTA Implementation Support Program (AISP) and RCEP Implementation Support Program (RISP), respectively. The Meeting expressed appreciation for Australia’s commitment of an additional AUD 5 million to the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to support ASEAN’s regional economic integration and sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The Meeting welcomed Australia’s appointment of Mr. Nicholas Moore as Special Envoy for Southeast Asia and the upcoming release of Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040 to deepen engagement with the region.
Joint Media Statement of the 55th ASEAN Economic Ministers’ (AEM) Meeting, 19 August 2023
Trade Facilitation
- The Meeting noted the completion of the Follow-up Study of the Trade Transaction Costs (TTC II) and the public version of the Follow-up Study of the ASEAN Seamless Trade Facilitation Indicators (ASTFI II) with the support of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
- The Meeting welcomed the conclusion of the pilot phase of the ASEAN Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI) and expressed appreciation for the work of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in developing the ASEAN STRI as well as the support of the ERIA for the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Services (CCS)-ERIA-OECD Joint Workshop on Leveraging the STRI to Support Services Facilitation in ASEAN. The STRI is a useful evidence-based tool that provides information on regulations affecting trade in services, which could support policymakers in scoping out their reform options, benchmark them relative to global best practices, and assess their likely effects. The STRI also supports trade negotiators in clarifying restrictions that most impede services trade and helps shed light on the requirements that service suppliers must comply with when entering foreign markets.
Collaborating with Development Partners
- Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). The Meeting expressed appreciation to ERIA's continuous support to the ASEAN economic integration, particularly in delivering the Priority Economic Deliverables under the Indonesian Chairmanship in 2023 and supporting the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum and the ASEAN Blue Economy Forum which are the flagship events under Indonesia’s Chairmanship. The Meeting also commended ERIA’s research activities and Capacity Building Programme, which contribute to ASEAN’s implementation of initiatives in various areas of regional economic integration and support for the integration of Timor-Leste into ASEAN as well as increased ASEAN’s understanding on new areas, such as the circular economy. The Meeting also expressed its deepest gratitude to ERIA’s former President Hidetoshi Nishimura, who has led ERIA for 15 years, and warmly welcomed the newly elected President Tetsuya Watanabe, who brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in Asia's economic development. The Meeting appreciated ERIA’s continued support to ASEAN’s economic integration efforts that include addressing emerging issues, particularly those related to digitalisation, sustainability, and climate change, among others.
Chair’s statement of the 11th EAS Economic Ministers’ Meeting, 21 August 2023
- The Meeting commended the continuous research support that Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) contributes to economic integration in the East Asian region. The Meeting noted ERIA’s paper on “Driving A Circular Economy Transition Through Digitalisation: A Strategy for Collective Actions in East Asia Summit (EAS) Countries”, which highlights the importance of digitalisation as a driver of a more circular economy.
Joint Media Statement of the 29th AEM – METI Consultation, 22 August 2023
- The Meeting noted the importance of the establishment of high-quality intellectual property (IP) cooperation through the framework of ASEAN-Japan Heads of IP Offices Meeting and the annual ASEAN-JPO Work Plan. The further utilization of IP research by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) further strengthens ASEAN’s and JPO’s efforts in addressing social challenges and creates a sustainable economy and society by enhancing the co-creation of innovation.
- The Meeting affirmed the necessity of enhancing energy cooperation in the pursuit of their various and practical pathways depending on the circumstances of each country towards net-zero emissions/carbon neutrality, including but not limited to energy efficiency, energy conversion, electrification, decarburization of power and transportation sectors, renewable energy, energy management, bioenergy, natural gas, LNG, CCUS/Carbon Recycling, hydrogen, ammonia, critical minerals, and sustainable finance. The Meeting took note of Japan’s initiatives such as Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) to promote the above-mentioned cooperation. The Meeting also noted “Asia Energy Transition Initiative (AETI)” which includes a wide range of bilateral support for energy transitions in Asia, and looked forward to their implementation. The Meeting noted that the initiatives can contribute to achieving pragmatic energy transition to help cope with climate change and ensure energy security by leveraging experiences of Japan in multiple areas including energy transition roadmaps formulation, financing support, and human resources development. The Meeting also appreciated ERIA’s support and contribution to the implementation of these two initiatives through the provision of its expertise.
- The Meeting welcomed the following studies conducted by ERIA, namely: 1) study on “ASEAN-Japan Economic Partnership for a Sustainable and Resilient Future”, which highlighted the importance of deepening the ASEAN-Japan economic cooperation to evolve into a mutually beneficial partnership that enhance integration, foster innovation, address emerging challenges in the post-pandemic in ASEAN and Japan; 2) study on “The Circular Value Chain of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) in ASEAN”, which provided recommendations on promoting coherent regulatory regimes for establishing circular value chain; and 3) study on “Digitalisation of Supply Chains in ASEAN and Japan”, which highlighted a strategic direction for ASEAN and Japan to address challenges related to supply chain issues, including geopolitical tensions and sustainability, by leveraging digital technologies.
- The Meeting welcomed the contribution of METI to the establishment of ERIA Digital Innovation and Sustainable Economy Centre (E-DISC) which seeks to be the centre of dialogues among industry, government and academia in the ASEAN region and the epicentrum of new innovations.
Joint Media Statement of the 26th AEM Plus Three Consultation, 22 August 2023
- The Meeting noted the completion of the ASEAN Plus Three Research Project for Closing the Digital Divide in MSMEs undertaken by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and the ASEAN Secretariat. The study highlighted that, to address the digital divide among MSMEs, it is imperative to acknowledge that beyond the improvement of digital infrastructure and financial resources, securing a workforce with both digital skills and fundamental business knowledge would be necessary to effectively utilise digital tools.
Joint Ministerial Statement of the 41st ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting, 24 August 2023
Progress in the Implementation of APAEC Phase II Programme Areas
- The Meeting welcomed the on-going development of the ASEAN CCUS Deployment Framework and Roadmap, initiated through the 1st South East Asia CCS Accelerator Workshop organised by the Global CCS Institute and ACE held in May 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand, that discussed needed policy and regulatory support and a coordinated approach to storage resource development for CCS in South East Asia. This effort is complemented by the conduct of the workshop on ‘Advancing CCUS Implementation for Energy Sector in ASEAN’ organised by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia and ACE on 23 August 2023 in Bali, Indonesia. The Meeting looked forward to the finalisation of the Framework and Roadmap in 2024, which will identify action plans to achieve short, mid, and long-term regional milestones to help decarbonise the region’s energy systems through CCUS deployment. The Meeting also noted the initiation of an integrated CCUS – coal power plant pilot project in the ASEAN Centre of Excellence for Clean Coal Technology.
- The Meeting welcomed the project ‘Development of Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Framework in BIMP’ which will study the market potential of REC in BIMP countries with potential replication in other AMS. The Meeting also noted the conduct of the workshop ‘Improving Energy Security in Islands and Remote Grids in ASEAN through Utilisation of Emerging Clean Energy Innovation’ held by ERIA and ACE. The Meeting looked forward to the organisation of the workshop ‘Development of Bioenergy Market Potential in ASEAN’ to be held in October 2023, which will identify the development status, opportunities, and supply-demand outlook for bioenergy in ASEAN.
Chairman’s Statement on the 17th East Asia Summit Energy Ministers Meeting, 25 August 2023
Opportunities for Green Growth in Decarbonising and Transitioning the Energy Sector
- The Meeting exchanged views and shared insights following the briefings from the ASEAN Secretariat, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) discussing the key policy enablers for sustainable economic growth through the scaled deployment and adoption of net zero emissions and low carbon energy technologies.
Strengthening Energy Security and Sustainability through Concrete Cooperation Initiatives
- On the ‘Energy Efficiency and Conservation’ work stream, the Meeting appreciated the latest of energy audits by Japan which were conducted in Phayam Island, Thailand, from December 2022 to February 2023, to verify distributed energy systems and find optimal combination with grid connected power. The Meeting welcomed the updated EAS Energy Saving Potential and Outlook, prepared by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), with focus on ‘LowCarbon Energy Transition-Carbon Neutral (LCET-CN) scenarios’ especially the interplay of energy costs and its implications for energy and technology choices in 18 EAS countries across the power and final energy consumption sectors.
Strengthening Energy Security and Sustainability through Concrete Cooperation Initiatives
- On the ‘Biofuels for Transport and Other Purposes’ work stream, the Meeting noted the publication of the ERIA Research Report in November 2022 on the ‘Phase 2 Analysis of EAS Future Mobility Fuel Scenarios, Considering the Sustainable Use of Biofuels and Other Alternative Vehicle Fuels’. The Meeting also noted the comparison of greenhouse gas reduction for biofuels and electric vehicles (EVs) as well as increased cobalt requirements with the increased utilisation of EV under different mobility electrification scenarios in selected EAS countries. The Meeting looked forward to a new joint study on ‘Analysis of water-energy-food (WEF) nexus for sustainable biomass utilisation for fuel, fiber, and food in selected EAS countries.
- On the ‘Renewable and Alternative Power Generation’ work stream, the Meeting acknowledged the continued emphasis on innovative and emergent renewable energy technologies. The Meeting noted the completion of the Wind Power Pre-Feasibility Study in Brunei Darussalam supported by the Republic of Korea and the conduct of a virtual Hydrogen Technologies Seminar on 6 December 2022. The Meeting looked forward to the conduct of the ‘Research on Solar Rooftop development and business model for an ASEAN Industrial complex in Viet Nam’ and the capacity building seminar on ‘Techno-economic Aspects of co-firing technology using Ammonia and Hydrogen’ to be similarly supported by Republic of Korea. The Meeting also welcomed the successful convening of the 6th East Asia Energy Forum by ERIA, ACE and Indonesia on 21 August 2023 in Bali, Indonesia, and the Bali Reflections focusing on the ‘Future of Energy: Decarbonising the Final Consumption Sector’, and looked forward to the 6th EAS Clean Energy Forum, to be conducted as part of the 2023 China – ASEAN Clean Energy Week (CACEW), on 18 – 24 September 2023, in Hainan, China.
- The Meeting also noted the contributions of ERIA towards the EAS energy cooperation agenda through the implementation of activities under ERIA’s rolling 3- year Roadmap on EAS Mid-Term Energy Policy Research for 2022-2023 and appreciated ERIA’s activities in supporting EAS countries to achieve realistic energy transition pathways towards carbon neutrality, especially those on the Asia CCUS Network and developing a Transition Technology List and reference guidelines for facilitating Transition Finance.
ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Response to Crises
- Strengthen Preparedness for Long-Term Resilience and Sustainability of Agri-Food Systems
- ENHANCE the collaboration with the private sector, international organisations, and think tanks through engagement with relevant initiativesand platforms such as the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), FAO’s South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC), the World Food Program (WFP), the World Bank, and Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to promote public-private partnerships and provide technical knowledge and capacity building for the transformation of agri-food systems and their links to food security and nutrition.
Chairman’s Statement of the 43rd ASEAN Summit, 5-6 September 2023
ASEAN Economic Community
- We noted the support from the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) in the development of several ASEAN priorities, including the ASEAN-Indo-Pacific Forum, ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Response to Crises, and the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework. We commended ERIA’s research activities and Capacity Building Programme, which contribute to ASEAN’s economic integration and Community-building efforts, particularly those related to ASEAN’s emerging priorities. We also welcomed the launch of the ERIA Digital Innovation and Sustainable Economy Centre (E-DISC) on 24 August 2023, and looked forward to further collaborating with ERIA, particularly in advancing ASEAN’s priorities post-2025.
Chairman’s Statement of the 26th ASEAN-Japan Summit
- We commended the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) for its continued research and analysis of key regional economic issues that support ASEAN economic integration agenda and promote effective policy making in the region economic integration. We also acknowledged the contribution of Japan to ERIA, including Japan’s support in the establishment of the ERIA Digital Innovation and Sustainable Economy Centre (E-DISC).
- We affirmed the necessity of enhancing energy cooperation and adequate financing to support the acceleration of energy transitions in the region for realising sustainable economic growth and addressing climate change. We noted the Japan-led ‘Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC)’ initiative and relevant initiatives such as Japan’s ‘Asia Energy Transition Initiative (AETI)’, which includes a wide range of support for energy transitions in Asia, and its steady implementation such as various financial supports for demonstration projects to introduce technologies and continuous discussion in the “Asia Transition Finance Study Group”.
- We noted the importance of the establishment of high-quality intellectual property (IP) cooperation through the framework of ASEAN-Japan Heads of IP Offices Meeting and the ASEAN-Japan IP Action Plan.
Chairman’s Statement of the 20th ASEAN - India Summit
- We appreciated Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)’s ongoing research activities focussed on specific sectors of India’s relevance to ASEAN. We welcomed ERIA’s decision to act as a knowledge partner for ASEAN-India relations. In this context, ASEAN welcomed India’s support to ERIA.
Chairman’s Statement of the 26th ASEAN Plus Three Summit
Review and Future Direction of APT Cooperation
- We welcomed the completion of the ASEAN Plus Three Research Project for Closing the Digital Divide in MSMEs undertaken by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and the ASEAN Secretariat. The initiative highlights that to address the digital divide among MSMEs, it is imperative to acknowledge that beyond the improvement of digital infrastructure and financial resources, securing a workforce with both digital skills and fundamental business knowledge would be necessary to effectively utilise digital tools.
- We welcomed the continuous contribution of the Plus Three countries to reduce marine debris through the ASEAN Plus Three Marine Plastics Debris Cooperative Action Initiative and support the implementation of the ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris in the ASEAN Member States 2021-2025. We welcomed in particular activities of the Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris (RKC-MPD) as an information clearinghouse for the marine plastic issue, as well as collective efforts towards the achievement of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP).
ERIA Cited in Chairman’s Statement of the 3rd ASEAN - Australia Summit
- We appreciated Australia’s commitment of an additional AUD 5 million to the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to support ASEAN’s regional economic integration and sustainable and inclusive economic growth and welcomed Australia’s appointment of Mr. Nicholas Moore as Special Envoy for Southeast Asia and the release of Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040 to deepen engagement with the region.