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ERIA Participates in the AEM–METI Consultation in Vientiane, Lao PDR

21 September 2024

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Vientiane, 21 September 2024: ERIA President Tetsuya Watanabe and his delegation attended the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) Meetings and Related Events in Vientiane, Lao PDR. During the AEM–METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan) Consultation on 21 September 2024, President Watanabe delivered a presentation on two key initiatives: the ASEAN–Japan Next-Generation Automotive Industry and the ERIA Digital Innovation and Sustainable Economy Centre (E-DISC).

President Watanabe outlined ERIA’s preliminary findings on the future of ASEAN–Japan cooperation in the automotive sector, highlighting a project timeline set for completion by 2025. He provided key policy recommendations aimed at fostering the growth of the ASEAN–Japan automotive industries, focusing on areas for collaboration and ‘co-creation’ between ASEAN and Japan.

Regarding E-DISC, President Watanabe emphasised the Centre’s commitment to supporting the ongoing ASEAN Digital Economy Framework Agreement (DEFA) negotiations. He also briefed the ministers and heads of delegations on ERIA’s efforts to promote startup ecosystems, referencing initiatives such as the One Start-Up Award, the ASEAN Startup Policy Roundtable, and the development of a related White Paper and policy briefs.

The ASEAN Secretary-General and ministers from Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Singapore expressed their appreciation for ERIA’s interim report on the ASEAN–Japan automotive industry masterplan, as well as the Centre’s contributions to digital innovation and startup development in the region.

This engagement reinforces ERIA’s role in supporting ASEAN’s economic priorities and advancing collaboration with Japan in key sectors.

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