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ERIA Holds First Working Group Meeting on ‘Synergies of Energy Uses with Economic, Social and Environment’

11 December 2018

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Bangkok, 9 December 2018: The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) held the first meeting of ERIA’s Working Group on ‘Synergies of Energy Uses with Economic, Social and Environment: A New Approach to Support Sustainable Development’ in Bangkok on 9 December 2018.

Members of the working group presented their study proposals to the group and received insightful comments from other members as well as from Prof Fukunari Kimura, Chief Economist of ERIA.

Prof Kimura together with ERIA Energy Economist Dr Han Phoumin also proposed a study on ‘Synergies of Energy Uses with Economic, Social and Environment: A Cambodia case study to draw an empirical evidence and policy implication’.

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