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ERIA Calls for Recognition of ‘Asian Democracy’ and Preventive Diplomacy to Promote Harmony and Peace

27 September 2024

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Phnom Penh, 27 September 2024: Prof. Akiko Yamanaka, Special Advisor to the President of ERIA, spoke as a panellist at the Rethinking Harmony in Asia 2024 conference held in Phnom Penh on 27 September 2024.

Prof. Yamanaka highlighted the importance of recognising Asian’s unique identity and approach in fostering harmony and peace. She called for global communities need to acknowledge a distinct model of ‘Asian Democracy,’ shaped by the continent’s diverse history, cultures, and social behaviours, which necessitates a more flexible form of democracy compared to the Western model. She stressed that moving away from a one-size-fits-all standard could prevent the marginalisation of Asian countries that are progressing towards democracy. Additionally, she advocated for a networked, collaborative framework of democracies, grounded in international law, to ensure global stability and prosperity.

As Asia stands at a critical juncture on the global stage, the session focused on strategies for navigating increasing global polarisation. Prof. Yamanaka underscored the 21st century’s challenges in geopolitics and social disparities and suggested that preventive diplomacy could play a pivotal role in mitigating potential conflicts and managing risks.

The conference addressed a broad range of issues crucial to fostering harmony and peace in Asia, including food security, geopolitical stability, inclusive digitalisation, and gender equality. The discussions highlighted the complexity of promoting peace in a region a diverse as Asia.

Lively exchanges emphasised the need for fostering mutual understanding and respect through open dialogue. Collaboration amongst key stakeholders was deemed essential for balancing various elements of development to achieve lasting harmony and peace in the region.

Prof. Yamanaka was accompanied by ERIA’s Senior Programme Officer, Lina Maulidina, and Programme Officer, Adelia Rahmawati.

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