Delhi Dialogue XII: 30 Years of ASEAN-India Partnership
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New Delhi, 16-17 June 2022: India organised the 12th edition of the Delhi Dialogue in New Delhi on 16-17 June 2022. The Delhi Dialogue was co-organised by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Research, and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), the ASEAN India Centre in the RIS and Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). ERIA has been a partner of the Delhi Dialogue since 2009.
Delhi Dialogue is India's premier annual track 1.5 international conference bringing together foreign ministers, senior officials, business leaders, scholars, academicians and eminent persons of India and ASEAN to discuss ways to further strengthen the ASEAN-India Strategic Partnership. Launched in 2009, eleven editions of the Dialogue have been held so far.
DD XII was held on the theme ‘Building Bridges in Indo-Pacific’ in recognition of the centrality of ASEAN in India’s Vision of the Indo-Pacific and in commemoration of the thirty years of ASEAN-India relations. Spread over two days, the current edition of the Delhi Dialogue conducted several sessions on geo-strategic issues, economic integration, connectivity, climate action, and the road ahead for ASEAN-India relations in the emerging architecture of Indo-Pacific, identify further areas of cooperation leading to further strengthening of the strategic partnership between India and ASEAN.
The foreign ministers of ASEAN Member States (AMS) and India and Secretary General of ASEAN met on 16 July 2022 for a Special ASEAN-India Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the ASEAN-India Dialogue Relations and released a statement on this occasion.
In the concluding session of the ministerial meeting, the foreign minister of India acknowledged in his keynote address the historical and strategic importance of ASEAN-India relations in the context of Indo-Pacific. The minister acknowledged and congratulated the role of RIS and ERIA as the co-organiser of the Delhi Dialogue XII.