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Call for Papers: ADBI - ERIA - OECD Joint Project on Financing Infrastructure in Emerging Asian Economies

7 November 2016

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Important Dates:

  • 31 December 2016 : Deadline for the draft paper Submission
  • 31 January 2017 : Notification of Selected Draft papers and Comments
  • 10 March 2017 : Final paper Submission
  • April 2017 : Conference (Venue: Tokyo (tentative))

Selection Committee:

  • Prof. Naoyuki Yoshino (ADBI)
  • Dr. Fauziah Zen (ERIA)
  • Dr. Kensuke Tanaka (OECD)
  • Prof. Ehtisham Ahmad (LSE)
  • Prof. Jay Rosengard (Harvard Kennedy School) - TBC
  • Dr. Riatu Qibthiyyah (University of Indonesia)


The demand for infrastructure in Emerging Asia is very large - the development of new infrastructure and improved maintenance and upgrading will contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth within countries and can deepen their connections with the global economy. Financing these investments has proven to be a considerable challenge for the region, however. Broadening financing methods, including domestic fiscal and financial efforts, will accelerate infrastructure investment and contribute to sustainable growth. Efforts to secure infrastructure financing have typically relied on private resources, public-private partnerships and international lending. These approaches may be complemented by increased use of public incentives for investors, the issuance of government bonds and financing using tax revenues.

This project focuses on the domestic fiscal and financial policy options for Emerging Asian countries in funding infrastructure development and maintenance. The papers for this conference will cover but not limited to the following issues:

  • Types of taxes, including earmarked tax, their usage, and their cost-benefit analysis
  • Expanding Fiscal Capacity and Sustainability
  • The design of fiscal investment and postal savings programs for emerging economies
  • Infrastructure finance: Risk reduction, Improving Rates of Return, Moral Hazard,Governance aspects
  • Large and Strategic Infrastructure Projects: Preparation, strategy of implementation, political intervention, and evaluation
  • Institutional setup and institutional capacity in delivering national infrastructure: regulatory type, period of validity, collecting mechanism, management body, audit system, authorities, reporting.

Submission Guidelines:

Additional information:

a. The organizer of this event is ADBI, ERIA, and OECD

b. All papers must present original ideas, viewpoints or data that have not been published by or submitted to another journal, books, or publication with copyrights

c. The copyrights of accepted final papers belong to the organizer

d. The papers will be published by the organizer

e. We expect to have 4-5 papers

f. The main author will be invited to present the paper to the conference and the organizer will cover the trip and accommodation costs

g. Each accepted final paper will be rewarded with honorarium in the amount of USD 3,000.

h. The decision of the Selection Committee is final and cannot be appealed.

Call for Papers: ADBI - ERIA - OECD Joint Project on Financing Infrastructure in Emerging Asian Economies

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