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Public, Private, and People Partnerships are Critical for the Success of Innovation Eco-Systems: the ERIA E-S-I #5

22 June 2021

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Jakarta, 22 June 2021: Multi-stakeholder partnerships and collaborations are critical for the development of innovation eco-systems. A growing body of research shows how collaborations across sectors and different types of actors in both the private and public sectors, as well as individual citizens, are an important success factor in innovation eco-systems. Examples of partnerships critical for innovation include collaborations between higher education institutions and the business sector for the development of learning experiences for students as well as for research. Other interesting partnerships that are emerging in Asia (and elsewhere) are those around the development of smart cities, where collaboration amongst tech companies, policymakers, and citizens are essential for the development and the adoption of new types of services.  

ERIA hosted the 5th episode of its webinar series on E-S-I, Entrepreneurship, Start-ups and Innovation for the Post-Pandemic Recovery’. More than 130 participants attended the event. The series is co-hosted by Dr Giulia Ajmone Marsan and Ms Lina Maulidina from ERIA, together with Mr TJ Ooi from Curated Connectors, a Singapore-based start-up.

The webinar focussed on the importance of collaborations and partnerships in the development of dynamic innovation eco-systems. Four speakers shared their views:

  • Ms Shanti Jagannathan, Principal Education Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • Mr Dhabit Firdaus, CEO and Founder, BP Media, Brunei Darussalam
  • Ms Kris R. Villanueva Libunao, Executive Director and Chief Sustainability Officer SmartCT (SmartCitiesPH,Inc.) Philippines
  • Ms Dwina M. Putri, Co-Founder and COO, MauBelajarApa, Indonesia

Ms Jagannathan explained how partnerships and collaborations are at the heart of ADB programmes and development strategies. She also highlighted how collaborations with the private sector are critical in the development of ADB programmes to support skills development and education and training.

Mr Dhabit shared his experience of participating in programmes created and funded by a partnership between Brunei Enterprise and a Singapore venture fund and how it was key for him to become an entrepreneur and launch his own company. Through the programme, he acquired knowledge of government rules and regulations and also the skills to become an entrepreneur.

Ms Villanueva discussed the importance of involving citizens in the development of smart cities across Asia. Often policymakers emphasise the importance of infrastructure development and technological upgrade; however, without collaboration with citizens and local communities, risks low uptake and usage of new technological services and solutions.

Ms Putri shared her experience as an entrepreneur in Indonesia. She mentioned that often the business sector moves more quickly than government and regulators. Therefore, the role of business and innovative start-ups in particular, is to ‘educate the market through local communities’ to explain the potential of innovative solutions to solve local and national problems.

ERIA’s E-S-I webinar series is funded by Australia, through ERIA Strategy and Partnership programme.

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