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Welcome to Living Chic with Plastic: an RKCMPD Podcast

1 February 2023

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The Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris at ERIA has launched a podcast series entitled 'Living Chic with Plastic', which focuses on marine plastic pollution and explores future sustainable relationships with plastic.

This podcast series welcomes young people engaged in marine plastic litter research, prevention programs, clean-up activities, and other advocacies. We listen to their firsthand experiences, the different challenges they may face, and draw important insights toward possible solutions for this issue.

Plastic is versatile, resistant, lightweight, and inexpensive. However, the volume of plastic waste in the environment and its negative impacts on our marine ecosystem are alarming. In the first episode, RKC-MPD’s own researcher Ellen Putri Edita discusses the magnitude of the problem and how young people can help address the issue of marine plastic litter.

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