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Lurong Chen

Senior Economist


Lurong Chen is a Senior Economist of Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). Dr Chen received his Ph.D. in International Economics from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. His research interests include digital economy, Asian regionalism, global value chains, trade in services, and IPRs.

His recent publications include Intellectual Property Rights and ASEAN Development in the Digital Age (published by Routledge), Accelerating Digital Transformation in Indonesia: Technology, Market and Policy (published by ERIA), and ERIA policy paper The Indo-Pacific Partnership and Digital Trade Rule-settings: Policy Proposals.


Lurong’s expertise is in digital economy, global value chains, free trade agreements, and Asian regionalism. He provides consultation on policy issues related to digitalization, trade and investment liberalization and East Asian economy.


PhD (International Economics)
The Graduate Institute, Geneva (IUHEI) University of Geneva, Switzerland


DEA (International Economics)
The Graduate Institute, Geneva (IUHEI) University of Geneva, Switzerland


Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
Xiamen University, China


Senior Economist
The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Jakarta, Indonesia


Research Fellow
The United Nations University - Institute of Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), Bruges, Belgium


The United Nations University - Institute of Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), Bruges, Belgi

ERIA Publications
ERIA Chapters
Select Publications

Chen, L., De Lombaerde, P. & L. Cuyvers (2017),'Markets Matter: The Potential of Intra-Regional Trade in ASEAN and Its Implications for Asian Regionalism'. Asian Economic Papers, 16(2), pp.1-19.

Chen, L. & P. De Lombaerde (2014),'Testing the relationships between globalization, regionalization and the regional hubness in the BRICs'.Journal of Policy Modeling. 36(S1), pp.111-131.

Chen, L. & P. De Lombaerde (2013), 'China moving up the value chain: What can be learned from the Asian NICs''inInternational Area Studies Review, Vol. 16(4), pp. 407-430.

Chen, L. (2012),'The BRICs and global value chains: an empirical note'.Cuadernos de Econom, 31(57), pp.221-239.

Chen, L., Cuyvers, L., De Lombaerde, P. & W. Kusumaningtias (2011),'An ASEAN-EU FTA, regional production sharing, and regional cohesion'. Focus on Cambodia, Laos And Myanmar.South African Journal of Economics, 79, pp. 411-427.


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