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Ivana Suradja

Research Associate


Ivana Suradja has joined ERIA since October 2023 as a Research Associate for the Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris (RKC-MPD). Under this role, she is involved in projects to develop policy recommendations and encourage knowledge exchange on marine plastics in the ASEAN+3 region. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong and Master of Marine Affairs degree from the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. Prior to joining ERIA, she worked for several environmental organizations in Indonesia and worked on research projects on ocean acidification, marine mammal behavior, and coastal tourism development.

  • Marine Conservation
  • Marine Tourism
  • Community Development
  • Interdisciplinary Studies

Master of Marine Affairs

University of Washington, Seattle


Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science (International Research Enrichment Track)

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

Feb–July 2017 Academic Exchange to Universiteit Utrecht
Dec 2021-Sept 2023

Master’s Thesis Research on Transition from Capture Fisheries to Community-based Marine Tourism

Coastal Communities in Indonesia

Jul-Dec 2017

Research on Coordination and Leadership

Long-finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala melas) 

Sept 2015-Dec 2016

Research on the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Calcifying Organisms

Plankton Ecology Laboratory, HKUST

ERIA Publications
ERIA Chapters