Ikumo Isono was educated in Japan and received a bachelor’s degree in economics from Saitama University in 1998. He has a master’s degree in economics from the University of Tokyo in 2000. He joined the Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO (IDE-JETRO) in 2005 as a research fellow. He was a research fellow in the Bangkok Research Center, JETRO from 2009 to 2011. He was seconded to the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) as an economist from 2011 to 2013. He was appointed deputy director of the economic geography studies group at IDE-JETRO in 2015. He was seconded to European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC-Seville) as a visiting researcher from 2017 to 2018. His expertise is in spatial economics and connectivity aspects of economic integration in ASEAN and East Asia, including infrastructure development, economic corridors, logistics, trade and transport facilitation, and free trade agreement (FTA). He has participated in several ERIA’s flagship projects, such as the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan, Mid-Term Review of the Implementation of AEC Blueprint, and ASEAN Vision 2040.
Ikumo Isono was educated in Japan and received a bachelor’s degree in economics from Saitama University in 1998. He has a master’s degree in economics from the University of Tokyo in 2000. He joined the Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO (IDE-JETRO) in 2005 as a research fellow. He was a research fellow in the Bangkok Research Center, JETRO from 2009 to 2011. He was seconded to the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) as an economist from 2011 to 2013. He was appointed deputy director of the economic geography studies group at IDE-JETRO in 2015. He was seconded to European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC-Seville) as a visiting researcher from 2017 to 2018. His expertise is in spatial economics and connectivity aspects of economic integration in ASEAN and East Asia, including infrastructure development, economic corridors, logistics, trade and transport facilitation, and free trade agreement (FTA). He has participated in several ERIA’s flagship projects, such as the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan, Mid-Term Review of the Implementation of AEC Blueprint, and ASEAN Vision 2040.
2000 |
Master's degree in Economics |
1998 |
Bachelor's degree in Economics |
2020 - Present |
Senior Economist |
2019 - 2020 |
Deputy Director |
2017 - 2018 |
Visiting Researcher |
2015 - 2017 |
Deputy Director |
2014 - 2015 |
Research Fellow |
2011 - 2013 |
Economist |
2009 - 2011 |
Research Fellow |
2005 - 2009 |
Research Fellow |
‘Transportation Costs in Archipelagos: Evidence from Indonesia’, Developing Economies, Vol. 58(3), 227–241, 2020. (with K. Hayakawa and S. Kumagai)
‘Economic Impacts of Improved Connectivity for ASEAN: An Application of the Geographical Simulation Model’, Asian Economic Policy Review, Vol. 11(2), 290–306, 2016. (with S. Kumagai)
‘Geographical Simulation Analysis for logistics enhancement in Asia’, Economic Modelling, Vol. 34, 145–153, 2013. (with S. Kumagai, K. Hayakawa, S. Keola and K. Tsubota)
‘Agglomeration and Dispersion in China and ASEAN: A Geographical Simulation Analysis’, China Economic Policy Review, Vol. 1(1), 2012. (with S. Kumagai and F. Kimura)
‘Locational Disadvantage of the Hub’, Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 40(4), 819–848, 2006. (with T. Ago and T. Tabuchi)
China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Future of Asia, joint research by IDE-JETRO and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), 2015.
Geographical Simulation Analysis for Logistic Enhancement in East Asia, ERIA Research Project Report 2009 No.7-2, ERIA, 2010. (co-edited with S. Kumagai, T. Gokan, K. Hayakawa and S. Keola)
‘Economic Impact Analysis of Improved Connectivity in Nepal’, ADB South Asia Working Paper Series No. 75, 2020. (with T. Hayashi, S. Basu Das, M. S. Khadka, S. Keola, and K. Tsubota)
‘Impact of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus on Global Economy: Analysis Using Mobility Data from Mobile Phones’, IDE Policy Brief No. 11, 2020. (with S. Kumagai, T. Gokan, K. Tsubota, K. Hayakawa and S. Keola)
‘Impact of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus on the Chinese and Asian Economies: Analysis Using IDE-GSM’, IDE Policy Brief No. 10, 2020. (with S. Kumagai, T. Gokan, K. Tsubota, K. Hayakawa and S. Keola)
‘(Re)defining Economic Corridors’, IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series No. 774, 2019. (with S. Kumagai)
‘Economic Impacts of the US–China Trade War on the Asian Economy: An Applied Analysis of IDE-GSM’, IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series No. 760, 2019. (with S. Kumagai, T. Gokan, S. Keola, K. Tsubota and K. Hayakawa)
‘Transportation Costs in Archipelagos: Evidence from Indonesia’, IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series No. 756, 2019. (with S. Kumagai and K. Hayakawa)
‘Analysis of Economic Potentials of Infrastructure Developments in and around Bhutan’, IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series No. 702, 2018. (with S. Kumagai and K. Tsubota)
‘Economic Impacts of High-Speed Rail between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore: An Application of IDE-GSM’, IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series No. 700, 2018. (with S. Kumagai and K. Hayakawa)
‘Geographical Simulation Analysis of the Development of Thilawa and Myanmar’, IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series No. 639, 2017. (with S. Kumagai)
‘China-Kyrgyzstan railway meets IDE-GSM’, IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series No. 630, 2017. (with S. Kumagai, S. Keola, K. Hayakawa, and T. Gokan and K. Tsubota)
Comparing the Economic Impacts of Asian Integration by Computational Simulation Analysis’, IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series No. 567, 2016. (with S. Kumagai, K. Hayakawa, S. Keola, K. Tsubota and T. Gokan)
‘Service liberalization in Lao PDR’, IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series No. 559, 2016. (with H. Ishido)
‘Long-run Economic Impacts of Thai Flooding: Geographical Simulation Analysis’, ERIA Discussion Paper No. 2013-08, ERIA, 2013. (with S. Kumagai)
‘Dawei Revisited: Reaffirmation of the importance of the project in the era of reforms in Myanmar’ ERIA Policy Brief No. 2013-01, ERIA, 2013. (with S. Kumagai)
‘A CGE Study of Economic Impact of Accession of Hong Kong to ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement’ ERIA Discussion Paper No. 2013-06, ERIA, 2013. (with K. Itakura and Y. Fukunaga)
‘Taking ASEAN+1 FTAs towards the RCEP: A Mapping Study’, ERIA Discussion Paper 2013-02 (ERIA-DP-2013-02), ERIA, J2013 (with Y. Fukunaga).
‘The Proposed Cilamaya New International Port is a Key for Indonesian Economic Development: Geographical Simulation Analysis’, ERIA Policy Brief 2012-05 (ERIA-PB-2012-05), ERIA, 2012. (with S. Kumagai).
‘Geographical Simulation Analysis for Logistics Enhancement in Asia’, IDE Discussion Paper Series No. 369, IDE-JETRO, 2012. (with S. Kumagai, K. Hayakawa, S. Keola, and K. Tsubota)
‘Agglomeration and Dispersion in China and ASEAN: A Geographical Simulation Analysis’, ERIA Discussion Paper Series No. 2, 2012 (ERIA-DP-2012-02), ERIA, 2012. (with S. Kumagai and F. Kimura)
‘ASEAN in the Global Economy- An Enhanced Economic and Political Role’, ERIA Policy Brief 2012-01 (ERIA-PB-2012-01), ERIA, 2012. (with A. Prakash)
‘Economic Impacts of enhanced ASEAN-India Connectivity’, in ASEAN-India Connectivity: The Comprehensive Asia Development Plan, Phase II, edited by F. Kimura and S. Umezaki, ERIA Research Project Report 2010 No. 07, ERIA, 2011. (with S. Kumagai)
‘Links with East Asia for a recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake: Geographical Simulation Analysis’, ERIA Policy Brief 2011-03 (ERIA-PB-2011-03), ERIA, 2011. (with F. Kimura)
‘Predicting Long-Term Effects of Infrastructure Development Projects in Continental South East Asia: IDE Geographical Simulation Model’, ERIA Discussion Paper 2008-02 (ERIA-DP-2008-02), ERIA, 2008. (with S. Kumagai, T. Goken, and S. Keola)
‘Geographical Simulation Analysis for the East-West Economic Corridor Railway’ in EEC Development and Transport Facilitation Measures in Thailand, and Development Strategies of Neighboring Countries, edited by D. Hiratsuka, BRC Research Report No. 24, Bangkok Research Center, IDE-JETRO, 2019.
‘Economic Impact of New Sub-corridor Development in the Mekong Region’ in Cross-border Transport Facilitation in Inland ASEAN and the ASEAN Economic Community, edited by M. Ishida, ERIA Collaborative/Support Research Report, ERIA and IDE-JETRO, 2019.
‘The High-speed Railway (HSR) Service, The Eastern Economic Corridor's Development, and Thailand: A Geographical Simulation Analysis’ in High-Speed Railway, the EEC, and the Change of the Landscape of Thailand and its Neighboring Countries, edited by D. Hiratsuka, BRC Research Report No. 20, Bangkok Research Center, IDE-JETRO, 2018.
‘Geographical Simulation Analysis of Services Liberalization and the Overall Development of Laos’, in Policy Recommendation on Industrial Location in Lao PDR, IDE-JETRO, 2015.
‘Long-Run Economic Impacts of Thai Flooding on Markets and Production Networks: Geographical Simulation Analysis’, in Resilience and Recovery in Asian Disasters, Daniel P. Aldrich, Sothea Oum, Yasuyuki Sawada (Eds.), Springer, 2015.
‘Old, New and Potential Economic Corridors’, in Emerging Economic Corridors in the Mekong Region, edited by M. Ishida, BRC Research Report No. 8, Bangkok Research Center, IDE-JETRO, 2012. (with M. Ishida)
‘Economic Integration and the Expansion of Trade and Transport Networks’, in The Economics of East Asian Integration: A Comprehensive Introduction to Regional Issues, edited by M. Fujita, I. Kuroiwa and S. Kumagai, Edward Elgar, 2011.
‘Japan (Case Study)’, in Asia's Free Trade Agreements: How is Business Responding?, edited by M. Kawai and G. Wignaraja, Edward Elgar, 2011. (with D. Hiratsuka and H. Sato)
‘Possible Alternative Routes for Further Connectivity in the Mekong Region’, in Intra- and Inter-City Connectivity in the Mekong Region, edited by M, Ishida, BRC Research Report No. 6, Bangkok Research Center, IDE-JETRO, 2011.
‘Economic Impacts of the Economic Corridor Development in Mekong Region’, in Investment Climate of Major Cities in CLMV Countries, edited by M. Ishida, BRC Research Report No. 4, Bangkok Research Center, IDE-JETRO, 2010.
‘The Second Generation of Geographical Simulation Model: Predicting the Effects of Infrastructure Development by Industry’, in Development of Regional Production and Logistic Networks in East Asia, edited by Kitti Limskul, ERIA Research Project Report 2008 No. 4-1, ERIA, 2009. (with S. Kumagai, T. Gokan and S. Keola)
‘The Home Market Effect in ASEAN countries’, in Economic integration in East Asia: perspectives from spatial and Neoclassical Economics, edited by M. Fujita, S. Kumagai and K. Nishikimi, Edward Elgar, 2008.
‘Escaping from FTA Trap and Spaghetti Bowl Problem in East Asia: An Insight from the Enterprise Survey in Japan’, in Deepening Economic Integration - The ASEAN Economic Community and Beyond -, edited by H. Soesastro, ERIA Research Project Report 2007 No. 1-2, ERIA, 2008. (with D. Hiratsuka, H. Sato, and S. Umezaki)
‘Geographical Simulation Model for ERIA: Predicting the Long-run Effects of Infrastructure Development Projects in East Asia’, in International Infrastructure Development in East Asia, edited by N. Kumar, ERIA Research Project Report 2007 No. 2, ERIA, 2008. (with S. Kumagai, T. Gokan and S. Keola)