Dionisius Narjoko received his PhD in Economics from the Australian National University. His dissertation was awarded The Ann Bates Postgraduate Prize for Indonesian Studies 2006. His research covers industrialisation in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, economic integration in ASEAN and East Asia (focusing on ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint and regional economy architecture), and topics in economic development, such as small and medium enterprise, and interrelationship between human capital and economic growth.
As part of his role in ERIA, Dr Narjoko provides evidence-based policy recommendations to a number of ASEAN Member States on topics related to AEC or regional integration in general. Dr Narjoko is also active in ‘second-track’ policy discussion for various topics, extending the link from his previous affiliation with the Jakarta-based think-tank Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Dr Narjoko also once taught at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia. He co-authored and co-edited books and published book chapters, policy papers, and articles in peer-reviewed journals in the past ten years. He also serves as Associate Editor of Asian Economic Journal and Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Indonesia.
Industrialization in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, economic integration in ASEAN and East Asia (focusing on ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint and regional economy architecture), and topics in economic development, such as small and medium enterprises, and interrelationship between human capital and economic growth.
2006 |
PhD in Economics, Dissertation committee: |
2003 |
Masters in Economics of Development, |
1998 |
BSc in Economics, Faculty of Economics, |
2009 - present |
Senior Economist |
June 2006 - March 2008 |
Researcher |
November 2006 - December 2008 |
Visiting Researcher |
February - August 2008 |
Economist |
October - November 2007 |
Visiting Research Fellow |
April - May 2006 |
Visiting Research Associate |
2000-2001, and 2006 - 2008 |
Lecturer |
Kimura, F. and D. Narjoko (2021), 'Reorganisation of Production', in F. Kimura, S.M. Thangavelu, C. Findlay, and M. Pangestu (eds.),Global Value Chain, Cities and Urban Amenities: Implications for Trade and Investment Liberalization in East Asia and ASEAN (Routledge-ERIA Studies in Development Economics). London: Edward Elgar, pp. 366-89.
Chang, K., K. Hayakawa, N. Laksanapanyakul, D. Narjoko, J.H. Pyun, and F. Quimba (Article in Press, 6 November 2021), 'Determinants of Regional Trade Agreement Utilization: Evidence from Multiple Import Countries in Asia',The World Economy.
Thangavelu, S.M., S. Urata, and D. Narjoko (2021), 'Impact of FTA on Trade for ASEAN and Australia Using Custom Level Data',Journal of Economic Integration, 36(3), pp.437-61.
Ramstetter, E. and D. Narjoko (2019), 'Wage Differential between Foreign Multinationals and Private Plants and Worker Education in Indonesian Manufacturing',Thailand and the World Economy, 37(3), pp.25-44.
Anas, T. and D. Narjoko (2019), 'Global Service Supply Chain in Indonesia: the Case of Telecommunication Services',Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 36(3), pp.446-74.
Lee, C., D. Narjoko, and S. Oum (eds) (2019),SMEs and Economic Integration in Southeast Asia. Singapore: ISEAS.
Narjoko, D. T. Anas, and R. Herdiyanto (2018), 'The Elusive Pursuit of Import Substitution in 21st Century of Indonesia',Asian Economic Papers, 17(1), pp.1-21.
Urata, S. and D. Narjoko, (2017), 'Trade and Inequality', in M. Helble, and J. Shepherd (eds.),Win-win: How International Trade Can Help Meet the Sustainable Development Goals. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, pp.175-204.
Lee, C., D. Narjoko and S. Oum (2017), 'Southeast Asian SMEs and Regional Economic Integration',Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 34(1), pp.1-3.
Hahn, C. H., K. Ito and D. Narjoko (2016), 'Exporting and Upgrading of Product Portfolio: Evidence from Korea, Japan, and Indonesia',Asian Economic Journal, 30(4), pp.349-73.
Harvie, C., D. Narjoko, and S. Oum (2015),Economic Integration in East Asia: Production Networks and Small and Medium Enterprises (Routledge-ERIA Studies in Development Economics). London: Routledge.
Narjoko, D. and C.T. Putra (2015), 'Industrialization, Globalization, and Labor Market Regime in Indonesia',Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 20(1), pp.57-76.
Lee, C. and D. Narjoko (2015), 'Escaping the Middle-Income Trap in Southeast Asia: Micro Evidence on Innovation, Productivity and Globalization',Asian Economic Policy Review, 10(1), pp.124-47.
Narjoko, D. (2014), 'Did Better Firms Enter the Indonesian Manufacturing Sector after the 1997-98 Crisis'',Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 50(3), pp.371-91.
Thangavelu, S.M. and D. Narjoko (2014), 'Human Capital, FTAs and Foreign Direct Investment Flows into ASEAN ',Journal of Asian Economics, 35(Special Issue on the ASEAN Economic Community), pp.65-76.
Ramstetter, E.D. and D. Narjoko (2014), 'Ownership and Energy Efficiency in Indonesian Manufacturing',Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 50(2), pp.255-76.
Narjoko, D. and S. Rahardja (2014), 'Indonesian Manufacturing Sector: Searching for Identity Amidst a Challenging Environment', in A. Nasution (ed.),Macroeconomic Policies in Indonesia: Indonesia Economy since the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. London: Routledge.
Ramstetter, E.D, S.B.H. Ahmad, A. Kohpaiboon and D. Narjoko (2013), 'MNEs and Energy Efficiency in Southeast Asian Manufacturing',Asian Economic Papers, 12(3), pp.120-47.
Aswicahyono, H, H. Hill and D. Narjoko (2013), 'Indonesian industrialization: A latecomer adjusting to crises', in Adam Szirmai, Wim Naude, and Ludovico Alcorta (eds.),Pathways to Industrialization in the Twenty-First Century: New Challenges and Emerging Paradigms, Oxford University Press, UK, pp. 193-222.
Narjoko, D. (2013), 'Why Indonesia Needs to Drive Integration',East Asia Forum Quarterly, 5(4), pp.14-15 (available online athttp://press.anu.edu.au'p=269271)
Aswicahyono, H., H. Hill and D. Narjoko, (2012), 'Industrialization: Patterns, Issues, and Constraints', in H. Hill, M.E. Khan and J. Zhuang (eds.),Diagnosing the Indonesian Economy: Toward Inclusive and Green Growth. London: Anthem Press, pp.183-226.
Intal Jr. Ponciano, D. Narjoko and Y. Fukunaga (2012), 'Mid-Term Review of the Implementation of AEC Blueprint: Executive Summary. Jakarta: ERIA.
Narjoko, D. (2012), 'Policy Reforms, Firm Entry and Labour Productivity Change: Learning from Vietnamese Manufacturing', in S. Urata, C.H. Hahn and D. Narjoko (eds.),Economic Consequences of Liberalization: Evidence from East Asia (Routledge-ERIA Studies in Development Economics). London: Routledge, pp.103-126.
Intal Jr., P., D. Narjoko, and M. Simorangkir (2011),ERIA Study to Further Improve the ASEAN Economic Scorecard Phase II: Toward a More Effective ASEAN Community Scorecard Monitoring System and Mechanism. mimeo Jakarta: Economic Institute for ASEAN and East Asia.
Aswicahyono, H., H. Hill and D. Narjoko, (2011), 'Indonesian Industrialisation: Jobless Growth'', in C. Manning and S. Sumarto (eds.),Employment, Living Standards and Poverty in Contemporary Indonesia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp.183-226.
Narjoko, D. (2011), 'International Production Network and Trade Liberalization: a Literature Review' in D. Narjoko and M. Pasha (eds.), Fighting Irrelevance:the Role of Regional Trade Agreements in International Production Networks in Asia. Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), pp. 5-38.
Aswicahyono, H., H. Hill and D. Narjoko (2011), 'Industrialisation after a Deep Economic Crisis: Indonesia',Journal of Development Studies, 46(6), pp.1084-1108.
Soesastro, H., D. Narjoko and H. Aswicahyono (2009), 'Economic Reforms in Indonesia after the Economic Crisis', in P. Dee (ed.),Institutions for Economic Reform in Asia. New York: Routledge, pp.106-20.
Narjoko, D., P. Kartika and T. Wicaksono (2009), 'Narrowing the Development Gap in ASEAN', in M. Plummer and C. S. Yue (eds.),Realizing the ASEAN Economic Community: A Comprehensive Assessment. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp.116-41.
Narjoko, D. and H. Hill (2008), 'Winners and Losers during a Deep Economic Crisis: Firm-level Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing',Asian Economic Journal, 21(4), pp.343-68.
'The Determinants of Industrial Agglomeration in Indonesia', in Ariff, M. (ed.),Analyses of Industrial Agglomeration, Production Network, and FDI Promotion. ERIA Research Project Report No. 3, 2007.
Narjoko, D. and F. Jotzo (2007), 'Survey of Recent Development',Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 43(2). pp.143-69.
'Indonesia and Market Access Negotiations: Benefits and Costs',Trade Support Program, 2007.
'Daya Saing Industri Elektronik Indonesia Pasca Krisis Ekonomi 1997-1998' (with Carlos Mangunsong),Analisis CSIS, 35(3).
Narjoko, D. and P. D. Amri (2007), 'Narrowing the Developmental Gap between the ASEAN Member Countries: The Perspective of Indonesia,'ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 24(1), pp.45-71.
Aswicahyono, H., T. Anas and D. Narjoko (2004), 'Internet Providers: An Industry Study', P. Drysdale (ed.),The New Economy in East Asia and the Pacific. London: Routledge, pp.226-44.
Pangestu, M., H. Aswicahyono, T. Anas and D. Narjoko (2002), 'The Evolution of Competition Policy in Indonesia',Review of Industrial Organization, 21(2), pp.205-24.
Aswicahyono, H., T. Anas and D. Narjoko (2001), 'The Source of Market Performance in Indonesia's Manufacturing Industry',Indonesian Quarterly, 29(1), pp.31-42.
Drysdale, P., D. Narjoko, and R. Maria (2020, in-progress), 'ASEAN and the Role of Asian Regionalism in Managing Asymmetric Power'.
Thangavelu, S.M., H. Vutha, and D. Narjoko (2020), 'Human Capital and Participation in Global Value Chains: Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Indonesia'ADBI Working Paper, No. 1142, Tokyo: ADBI.
Narjoko, D. and S. Urata (2019), 'Firm Adjustment to Trade Policy Changes in East Asia'ADBI Working Paper, No. 945, Tokyo: ADBI.
Narjoko, D. and C.T. Putra (2019), 'Exchange Rate and Exporting: Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing'ERIA Discussion Paper Series, ERIA-DP-2018-18, Jakarta: ERIA.
'Firms' Input Allocation Behavior on Import Tariff Changes: The Case of Indonesia's Manufacturing Industries', joint paper with Samuel Nursamsu (ERIA).
'From Production Pioneer to Export Pioneer', a joint paper with Chin Hee Hahn (Gachon University), Kazunobu Hayakawa (Development Studies Centre, IDE), and Hiroshi Mukunoki (Gakushuin University).
2019 - present |
Associate Editor of the Asian Economic Journal |
2012 - present |
Member of the Editorial Board of the Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Indonesia (JEPI), academic journal of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia. |
2006 |
The Ann Bates Postgraduate Prize for Indonesian Studies 2006. The Prize was awarded for the best thesis on a topic that was wholly or substantially about Indonesia. |
2001 |
Australian Development Scholarship, AusAID. |
1998 |
Australia-IMF Scholarship, International Monetary Fund. |