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Dania Salsabila

Research Associate


Dania Salsabila joined ERIA in July 2024 as a Research Associate in the Policy Design & Research Department.

Before joining ERIA, she worked as a Transport Intern with the Transport Policy and Demand Management Team at ITDP Indonesia in 2023. She also supported the Green Infrastructure Development Project at GIZ Indonesia & ASEAN in 2022. During these tenures, she was involved in the early stages of feasibility studies for infrastructure development projects, such as BRT electrification and corridor extension. Additionally, she participated in research activities on the net zero emission agenda, focusing on mobility development, electrification, Low Emission Zone (LEZ), and Transit Oriented Development (TOD).

  • Green infrastructure
  • Urban public transportation
  • Transport policy, governance, and institutions

Dania holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Universitas Diponegoro in 2023.

Aug 2023-Nov 2023

Transport Intern

Transport Policy and Demand Management, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) Indonesia 

June 2022-Dec 2022



Green Infrastructure Development, Deutsche Gesellchaft für Internationale Zusammernarbeit (GIZ) Indonesia & ASEAN

Select Publications
  • Salsabila, D., Tuanaya, J., Sangkawati, S., Ulfiana, D (2023). Zero Delta Q Drainage Planning at Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) and Its Impact on Lake Cincin Run-off Discharge. In Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 13 (pp. 323-331). University of Diponegoro.