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ASEAN On Point Public Forum: Ensuring Food Security in Post-Pandemic ASEAN


Food security has become a critical issue facing policymakers around the world.  With rising inflation, supply chain disruptions, climate change, and conflicts, the cost of basic foods has skyrocketed as much as 50% since the beginning of 2021. As families are struggling to rebuild after the pandemic, financial means are limited, and the poorest people are hit the hardest.  The added expense will push some people into poverty – an estimated 118 million people have become chronically hungry since the beginning of the pandemic according to the UN.

The agriculture and food sector is one of the most vulnerable sectors affected by the pandemic as it is heavily linked with key economic factors such as global agricultural commodities trade in the region (trade and regional integration), and more importantly, food supply and food security (trade and sustainable development).  For the first event of the 2022 ASEAN on Point Public Forum Series, the ASEAN Secretariat, in collaboration with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, is hosting a panel discussion to investigate the issue of food security in ASEAN. This event builds on the findings on the first ASEAN on Point forum on sustainable food and agriculture which focused on agricultural productivity and sustainability (see report here). This session will focus on trade, logistics, infrastructure, and the threat of food nationalism.

Hosted by ERIA and ASEC, the online Webinar will last 1 hour via Zoom platform with a period of moderated discussion at the end.

Event Details

  • Date: Monday, 26 September 2022
  • Time: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM (Jakarta/GMT+7)
  • Venue: Zoom Webinar


9:30 AM – 9:35 AM

ASEC Opening Remarks: Mr Ahmad Zafarullah, Director of ASEAN Integration Monitoring Directorate

ERIA Welcome Remarks  

9:35 AM – 10:15 AM

Moderated Panel Discussion

  • Dr Ramon Clarete, Professor, University of the Philippines of Economics
  • Dr Risti Permani, Senior Lecturer in Agribusiness, University of Queensland


  • Professor Paul P.S. Teng, Ph.D., Hon.D.Sc.,FAAET, Managing Director &   Dean, NIE International Pte Ltd | National Institute of Education

10:15 AM – 10:25 AM

Q & A

10:25 AM – 10:30 AM

Closing Remarks

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