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Unpacking the RCEP Agreement: Public-Private Dialogue Series

19 October 2021

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The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) marks the establishment of a free trade agreement amongst 15 states. RCEP will create new business opportunities and change the shape of trade in the region.

To help businesses in Cambodia and Lao PDR understand the opportunities and benefits that will become available to them through RCEP, ERIA’s Capacity Building Programme is organising a series of Public-Private Dialogues focusing on five key themes. Each Dialogue, to be held once for Cambodia and once for Lao PDR, will bring together business, government and international trade experts.

The Unpacking the RCEP Agreement series will focus on the following themes: E-commerce, Rules of Origin, Trade Facilitation, Trade in Services and Investment.

Dialogue 1: The RCEP E-commerce Provisions and What They Mean for Cambodia

Tuesday, 2 November 2021, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

E-commerce: Under the e-commerce provisions, digitalisation of trade will be enhanced through increasing levels of trust and confidence amongst e-commerce users. E-commerce platforms will bring about opportunities as buyers can easily browse and purchase goods or services online across borders, especially good to support MSMEs and COVID-19 recovery. If you are in Cambodia, glean insights together with our distinguished panel of speakers on how to maximise the benefits from the e-commerce.


Dialogue 2: Rules of Origin

Thursday, 10 February 2022, 9 AM - 11 AM

The chapter on Rules of Origin (ROO) in RCEP determines which goods originate from RCEP member countries so can benefit from preferential tariff treatment. RCEP consolidates ROO by making it easier for exporters to cumulate and rely on a single proof of origin. This facilitates exporters and importers of goods from RCEP countries and speeds up delivery.


Dialogue 3: Trade in Services

Monday, 23 May 2022, 9 AM - 11:30 AM

With Trade in Services, RCEP will opens up services amongst member countries for professional services such as telecommunications and financial services. There will also be mutual recognition of professional qualifications, with obligations and frameworks for increased cooperation.


Dialogue 4: Investment

Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 9 AM - 11:30 AM

This chapter will support investment into RCEP member countries by providing transparency of investment, a streamlining of administrative processes, and mechanism for investors to address their concerns through one-stop investment centers. 


Dialogue 5: Custom Procedures and Trade Facilitation

Thursday, 14 July 2022, 9 AM - 11:30 AM

Trade across borders will be simplified under new Trade Facilitation provisions such as advance rulings, rules of origin, customs valuation; customs clearance of goods, risk management and post-clearance audits facilitates trade amongst the RCEP countries. and this translates into better delivery of goods.


Unpacking the RCEP Agreement for Lao Businesses: Dialogue 1-5

Date & Time : Wednesday, 10 August 2022 - Thursday 11 August 2022, 8 AM - 17:00 PM

Event Venue: Vientiane, Lao PDR

The RCEP agreement has great importance for business in Laos, as it will create favorable conditions for more trade, foreign investment and tourism. The two days event will bring discussion to unpack opportunities/ benefits / challenges of RCEP along with panel of experts, private sectors and government officials in Lao PDR.


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