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TradePAG Theme #3: Greening Trade to Reach Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

3 May 2023

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The green economy is a solution to overcome problems related to climate change that has threatened the sustainability of world civilization. Therefore, a green economy as a paradigm and real action in development programs is unavoidable and urgent. The green economy is an extraordinary and comprehensive step to overcome the multicrisis caused by climate change. Until now, Indonesia has had a high commitment to the issue of climate change. This commitment is not only based on the interest in supporting high economic growth while still paying attention to the environment but also as a form of shared responsibility with other countries to create a better life in the world.  

Indonesia's trade policy is closely related to environmental issues because Indonesia's trade activities, both domestic and international, have a strong correlation with the development of the carbon footprint rate. Hence, the strategic steps and policy instruments taken by the Ministry of Trade will determine the success of the green transition of the Indonesian economy. It will increase the competitiveness of export products and the economic system's productivity. The green transition requires environmentally friendly technologies, significant investment costs, and adequate infrastructure and institutional approaches.  

Therefore, the Ministry of Trade can take strategic steps, namely (1) orchestrating green trade policies based on regulations at the level of the Law; (2) promoting market access of environmentally friendly products and investments schemes in FTA and Non-FTA agreements; (3) anticipating the green transition  by helping business leaders; (4) prioritizing work programs in the international trade that consistently promote environmentally friendly products; and (5) conducting early education about  environmentally friendly products or  services to economic agents.

TradePAG: Greening Trade to Reach Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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