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ERIA Participates in the 10th EAS Economic Ministers and Related Meetings

17 September 2022

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Siem Reap, 17 September 2022: The 10th East Asia Summit Ministers’ Meeting and the 25th ASEAN Economic Ministers Plus Three were held in person in Siem Reap, Cambodia on the 17th of September 2022. Prof Hidetoshi Nishimura, the President of ERIA, presented ERIA’s Comprehensive Asia Development Plan 3.0 (CADP) to East Asia Summit ministers on 17 September where ERIA also hosted a special event to launch the important publication ‘The Comprehensive Asia Development Plan (CADP) 3.0: Towards an Integrated, Innovative, Inclusive, and Sustainable Economy’. (See Prof Nishimura’s presentation and press release). 

The ASEAN Media Statement of the 10th EAS Economic Ministers’ Meeting commended ERIA (See full statement):

  1. The Meeting commended the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) for its continuous research support which contributes to efforts in strengthening regional economic integration. The Meeting noted ERIA’s paper on 'East Asia Post Pandemic – An Integrative, Innovative, Inclusive, and Sustainable Region through Digitalisation', which aims to enable the region to respond quickly and effectively to future shocks and to minimise the impact of such shocks on the region. The Meeting welcomed ERIA to continue supporting the EAS process through its research, including the Study on 'Comprehensive Asia Development Plan 3.0 (CADP 3.0)'.

On 17 September, Prof Nishimura also made a presentation to the 25th ASEAN Plus Three Consultation on ‘Closing the Digital Divide in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises.’ (See presentation).

The Joint Media Statement of the ASEAN Plus Three welcomed ERIA’s research on digitalization and MSMEs (See full statement):

  1. The Meeting welcomed the ASEAN Plus Three Research Project for Closing the Digital Divide in MSMEs undertaken by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and the ASEAN Secretariat. The initiative highlights the importance of digital tools and solutions in narrowing the gaps in infrastructure connectivity, access to market, digital skills, and financing capabilities of MSMEs. In welcoming the study, the Meeting underscored the critical role of digitalisation in the APT region’s post-pandemic economic recovery, particularly in building the resilience of MSMEs by enabling them to develop digital start-ups and adopt digital solutions for innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Joint Media Statement of the 54th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, held 13-15 September 2022, appreciated ERIA’s contributions in four paragraphs (see full statement):

Paragraph 15 noted the importance of the NTM Toolkit which was developed with the support of ERIA in 2021:

15. Noting the importance of the Non-Tariff Measures Cost-Effectiveness Toolkit (NTM Toolkit) as a guideline to manage NTMs affecting the flow of goods within the region, the Meeting encouraged two interested AMSs, namely Brunei, and Malaysia, to expedite their domestic processes to implement the NTM Toolkit on a voluntary basis as soon as possible. The Meeting also noted the completion of the 'Methodology in Conducting the Ex-Ante Regulatory Review on the Draft NTMs Before They Are Imposed by the ASEAN Member States' and encouraged ASEAN Member States to consider applying it in reviewing any draft NTMs before implementation.

Paragraph 16 noted ERIA’s work on trade facilitation:

  1. The Meeting noted the completion of the 'Follow-up Study of the ASEAN Seamless Trade Facilitation Indicators (ASTFI II)' with the support of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and also noted that its public version will be published in the first quarter of 2023 to raise the public’s awareness of ASEAN’s trade facilitation initiatives.

Paragraph 55 expressed appreciation of ERIA’s support to the Cambodian Chairmanship in 2022:

  1. Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). The Meeting expressed appreciation to ERIA for its continued support to the ASEAN economic integration and AEC-building efforts, particularly in delivering the Priority Economic Deliverables under the Cambodia Chairmanship in 2022, which include: (i) the Work Programme to Support the Implementation of the Framework for Circular Economy for the ASEAN Economic Community; (ii) the Development of the ASEAN Guidelines on Sustainable Agriculture; (iii) the Launch of ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) Upgrade Negotiations; (iv) the Development of the Work Plan for the Implementation of the ASEAN Framework for Equitable Economic Development (AFEED); (v) the Framework on Sustainable Tourism Development in ASEAN in Post COVID-19 Era; and (vi) the Comprehensive Study on the Implementation of Mutual Recognition Arrangements for Tourism Professional (MRA-TP): Enhanced Mechanism for Tourism Professionals.

Paragraph 56 acknowledged ERIA’s research activities regarding ASEAN economic integration:

  1. The Meeting also acknowledged ERIA’s research activities and studies to contribute to the implementation of many ASEAN initiatives in various areas of regional economic integration, including: (i) the completion of the 2nd Study on ASEAN Seamless Trade Facilitation Indicators (ASTFI II); (ii) the Implementation Plan of Framework for Circular Economy (FCE) for the AEC; (iii) the publication of the ASEAN Handbook on Good Regulatory Practices; (iv) the study on the supply and demand of professional services in ASEAN which includes how to enhance the level of interaction and mobility of ASEAN professional services due to the evolving services trade landscape; (v) transposition of the schedules of commitments from the positive listing approach into the negative listing approach under the ATISA; and (vi) the development of a training programme for ASEAN professionals (e.g., engineers, architects, accountants, and surveyors) to integrate the knowledge on the 4IR based on ASEAN Consolidated Strategy on 4IR, in the way they supply their services. The Meeting further acknowledged ERIA’s capacity-building programme and expressed its appreciation for the assistance given to CLM particularly with regard to implementing their RCEP commitments, e.g., rules of origin and transposition of tariff reduction schedules.

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